Write application for salary slip: Salary Slip Application

If you work in any company, institute or office and you need a salary slip, then you will have to request for it by writing an application. For your information, let us tell you that salary slip is required to take loan, get credit card or to meet other financial needs. Salary slip provides proof that you work and you get a fixed salary every month.

With the help of this slip, you can easily do things like loan or credit card, because the salary slip provides guarantee of your income. If you are having trouble in writing the application for salary slip in the company or office, then do not worry. Because, in this post we have also provided some examples along with salary slip application format, with the help of which you can request for salary slip by writing an application form. So let us know in detail how to write an application for salary certificate:

salary slip application format


mr manager sir
Write the name and address of the company or office

Subject: Application letter for salary slip


It is my humble request that I work at ……………………….. post in your company or office. It has been almost 2 years since I have been working in your office, but till now I have not received the salary slip. This time I have to take a home loan from my bank, for which the bank has asked for salary slip. Therefore, I want to be provided with a salary slip with the increased salary, so that I can avail the loan using it.

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Therefore, sir, I have a humble request to you that after considering my situation, please give me the salary slip before ……/……../…….. I will always be grateful to you for this. Thank you!

Name: …………………
designation: …………………
Mobile Number:……………………

Note: After writing the application for salary slip, definitely write your personal information, information related to your position in the company or office. If you want to use the salary slip for financial purposes, then you must attach the documents related to it.

Write application for salary slip


Mr. Manager Sir,
ABC Office, Siwan Bihar

Subject: Application form for issuing salary slip


It is a humble request that I, Mantosh Singh, have been working as a computer operator in your office for the last 2 years. I want to take a bike on loan, for which salary slips of last 3 months are required. Unless I provide the salary slip, the bike loan will not be approved. You had given me a salary slip once before, when my salary was Rs 15 thousand. But for this I need a salary slip of Rs 25 thousand per month.

Therefore, sir, I request you to allow me to provide the salary slip to finance the bike. I will always be grateful to you for this. Thank you!

Name: Mantosh Singh
computer operator
Mobile Number: XXXXXXXXX02

How to write application to get salary slip


Mr. Office Manager,
XYZ Company, Siwan, Bihar

Subject: Application form for taking salary slip


It is a humble request that I, Vishal Kumar, have been working as a Senior Engineer in your company for the last 3 years. My salary has recently increased in your company, for which salary slip is required. Because, I am applying for a car loan, the bank has asked for income related documents, for which I will have to provide the salary slip, only after that the car loan will be approved.

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Therefore, you are requested to please provide the salary slip with updated salary, seal and signature. For this I will always be grateful to you. Thank you!

Name: Vishal Kumar
Designation: Senior Engineer
Mobile Number: XXXXXXXXX36

Summary: We have provided complete information about writing application for salary slip in detail in this post. Along with this, the salary slip is also in the application format, which will help you in writing the application form. Please note that after writing the application form, attach your identity card and the details of the work for which you need the slip. This makes it almost possible to get a salary slip. I hope you liked this post, if you have any question related to this post, then please tell us in the comment.

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