What is a personal computer? How PC Developed

What is a personal computer?  How was the development of personal computer?

Development of personal computer – 
The development of the microprocessor in the 1970s gave birth to a microcomputer. In 1981, a company called IBM International Business Machine built a personal computer called IBM – PC.

Later PCs are called IBM PC Compatible, meaning that they are similar in function and capacity to IBM PCs and can be run on all programs that run on IBM PCs.

Personal computers are digital computers designed for personal use, on which only a single user can work at a time.

It is used for office work, preparing database, sending email, connecting to internet, playing video games, watching music and movies, etc.

A personal computer can be connected to a network through a modem and communication medium. Multitasking Operating Software is used for personal computers.

1. Classification of Personal Computer –

The currently prevalent personal computers can be classified on the basis of motherboard design as follows –

(i) PC ​​- AT- Personal Computer Advanced Technology

(ii) PC ​​- ATX – Personal Computer Advanced Technology Extanded

(iii) Pentum PC

2. Parts of Personal Computer

The essential components of the current PC are –

(i) System Unit

(ii) Monitor or VDU

(iii) Key Board

(iv) Mouse

(v) Hard Disk Drive

Some essential components for the use of multimedia are –

( i ) CD ROM Drive

( ii ) Speaker

( iii ) Mike 

( iv ) Modem

( v ) Web Cam

Some Optional components of PC are –

( i ) Printer 

( ii ) Floppy Drive 

( iii ) Scanner 

( iv ) Joystick 

The components to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the computer are –

( i ) UPS – Uninterrupted Power Supply

( ii ) CVT – Constant Voltage Transformer

3. System Unit 

What is a system unit? : This is the core of the PC.  Various tasks performed by the computer operate here.  It is controlled by various system software and application software. All other components of the PC are connected to it. It is of two types depending on the external structure

( i ) Desktop Type : In this, the square box of the system unit rests on the table and the monitor is placed on it.

( ii ) Tower Type : In this, the box of the system unit stands upright on the table and the monitor is placed next to it. Currently it is more prevalent.

3.1. Computer Cabinet 

What is a cabinet? : A computer cabinet is a box made of plastic or aluminum. All components of a computer system unit are installed within this case.  This system forms the exterior structure of the unit.

3.2. Main Parts of System Unit

( a ) Power Supply Unit : 

What is a power supply unit? : It is supplied 220V AC from domestic electricity which it converts to +5 volts and 12 volts DC supply for use in computer.

Electronic components of the computer are supplied + 5 V while 12 volt supply is provided to its motor, fans etc.

This protects the computer from high and low voltage disturbances. An electric fan is used to cool it with air.

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In present, SMPS-Switch Mode Power Supply is being used.

( b ) Mother Board : 

What is a motherboard? : It is a PCB – Printed Ciruit Board made of plastic. 

By thin lines of metal, it establishes a connection between the two devices.

This is the main board of the computer. 

The entire computer revolves around the motherboard. 

All equipment in the system unit is connected to the motherboard itself.

There is also a place to place microprocessors on the motherboard.  

The thin metal lines on it, through which signals are exchanged between various devices on the motherboard, are called bus bars.

( c ) CPU – Central Processing Unit : 

What is cpu? : It is also called Micro Processor. It is a chip that controls and coordinates the various components of a computer.

It has a control unit for controlling functions and Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) for arithmetic calculations and some logical functions.

The main memory of the computer like semiconductor register and cache (Cache) memory are built inside the CPU.

( d ) Math Coprocessor : 

What is Math Coprocessor? : The Math Co-processor is used to perform math tasks and support the CPU. 

There is no need to install it separately in the new micro processor.

( e ) RAM Chip : 

What is RAM? : Templates of the RAM chip are maintained on the motherboard of the system unit, in which RAM chips can be installed as needed.  

During the work here, data and programs are kept temporarily.

( f ) ROM Chip : 

What is Rom: At the time of manufacture, the data is permanently inserted on the motherboard of the PC.

In this chip, such data and programs are kept, which are required as soon as the PC is started.

The BIOS – Basic Input output System software is stored in the permanent ROM chip itself.

( g ) Video Display Card : 

What is a video display card? This card is placed on the motherboard to display the video and graphics on the monitor.

It uses VGA Video Graphics Array or SVGA – Super Video GraphicsArray.

( h ) Sound Card : 

What is a sound card? : To convert digital information of sound into multimedia signals into multimedia, this card is placed in a template on the motherboard. An external speaker is connected to this card.

( i ) Disk Drive Control Card : 

What is a disk drive control card? : The card is mounted on the motherboard to control the floppy and hard disk drive motors and the movement of data from them.

( j ) Output Adapter card  : 

What is an output adapter card? : It performs the function of coordination between memory and output devices (monitor and printer).  

This makes binary data and information perceptible to a monitor or printer.

( k ) Speaker : 

The speaker is mounted inside the system unit to generate some sound signal.

( 1 ) Timer : 

What is the timer ? : It rests on the motherboard and acts like a watch. 

It is supplied with a button battery so that the clock continues to work even when the computer is turned off.

( m ) Expansion Slot : 

What is expansion slot?: To add any other equipment to the motherboard or to be used for future use, the boxes remain called expansion slots.

( n ) PCI – Peripheral Component Inter connect : 

What is PCI? : It is a slot made on a computer motherboard by which a network, graphics or sound card is placed.  It connects the device to computer memory.

( o ) UBS – Universal Serial Bus : 

What is USB? : It is a system of communication between the computer and any of its devices.

Since almost all computer devices such as mouse, keyboards, printers, digital cameras, secondary memory, etc. can be connected to the CPU by this arrangement, it is called Univer sal Serial Bus.

Apart from computers, it is also becoming popular in other electronic devices. For this reason, personal computers nowadays have more than one USB port.

Its main feature is that it can be used by connecting a new device with the computer without restarting the computer. This is called the property of Plug and Play.

( p ) C – MOS Chip: Complementary Metal oxide Semiconductor : 

C Moss chip memory is installed on a computer motherboard.  It is equipped with a button-shaped battery that provides power supply to the CMOS chip even when the computer is turned off.

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( q ) Accelerated Graphic Port Bus : 

AGP bus is used for 3-dimensional pictures, graphics and motion videos. 

It connects the high-speed video card to the motherboard.

4. Hard Disk and Hard Disc Drive :

Hard disk is a main component of personal computer. 

It is a major secondary storage device that stores data and programs. Its storage capacity is large.

The operating system of the computer, various application software and data and information are stored on the hard disk itself. 

It is a non volatile memory in which the stored data is not destroyed even if the supply is stopped.

With the help of a hard disk drive, the data stored in the hard disk can be read, modified and new data or software can also be stored.  

It is placed inside a computer cabinet and attached to the motherboard.

In a personal computer, the hard disk and hard disk drive are sealed like a unit in a pollution-free compartment called a Winchester Disc.

Storage capacity of hard disk used in personal computer is estimated in GB (GB – Giga Byte).

5. Floppy Disk Drive

A floppy disk is a portable magnetic memory device that can be read and inserted into a floppy disk drive, its data can be changed and new data can be stored.

The invention of the new memory device is reducing the use of floppy disk drives in personal computers.

6. CD / DVD Drive

CD or DVD drives have become an integral part of the personal computer.  

CDs and Compact Discs are forms of optical discs.  The information stored can be read by putting them in CD / DVD drive.

The speed of the CD drive is represented by a number followed by the letter x.  Like -8 x.  56x etc.

Writable drives are called CD / DVD Writer (CD / DVD Writer) to make changes to CD / DVD data or store new data.

Since DVD is a new type of optical disc, the DVD drive can read CD data, but the CD drive cannot read DVD data.

Due to its large storage capacity (650 MB or more), CD / DVD is being used to store video data and movies. Because of this, the personal computer has become a better means of entertainment.

7. Monitor 

The monitor is a popular output device used in personal computers that provides soft copy output.

The monitor displays the work going on in the computer and establishes a relationship between the user and the computer.

In multimedia, it is necessary to have a monitor for Animation, Movie, Image, Graphics and Video etc.

Key – The data typed on the board is also displayed on the monitor screen.

Due to the increasing trend of GUI – Graphical User Interface, the fantasy of a personal computer without a monitor is meaningless.

Nowadays LCD or LCD (LED – Light Emitting Diode) monitors are being used for personal computers.

8. Mouse

What is a mouse? : It is a popular input device also known as pointing device. 

It is connected to the motherboard by a serial port built into the rear of the computer cabinet.

The increasing use of the graphical user interface (GUI) has made the mouse a popular input device.

9. Key Board 

Key board is an important input device that is used to insert letters and numbers (Alphanumeric data) into a computer.

The use of keyboard is necessary for word processing and spreadsheet software.

Key instructions can also be given to the computer with the help of key board.

In case of mouse failure – the board can be used instead of the mouse.

A 104-button ‘QWERTY’ key-board is used with a personal computer.

Keyboards used with Windows operating systems may also have some special buttons.

The keyboards are connected to the motherboard via the PS-2 port on the back of the computer cabinet.

10. Speaker 

What is a speaker? : To use a personal computer with multimedia, it is necessary to have an external speaker.

It is an output device offering soft copy. For this, it is necessary to have a sound card in the computer.  The capacity of the speaker is measured in PMPO.

11. Printer

It is an optional part of the personal computer. It is an output device providing hard copy output. 

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By this, the document or picture displayed on the monitor can be printed on paper. 

The printer is connected to the motherboard via a paralel port built on the back of the system unit.

12. Scanner 

What is a scanner? It is the optional input device used to convert a graph or picture into binary data into a computer.

13. Modem

What is a modem? It is an abbreviation for Modulator – Demodulator. 

It is used to connect the PC to the net using a telephone line. 

It transmits analog signals coming on the telephone line to the computer by converting them into digital signals and sends the digital signals generated by the computer to the line by converting it into analog signals.

14. UPS – Uninterrupted Power Supply

What is UPS? When the power supply stops, the computer suddenly shuts off. Due to this, the hard disk of the computer remains vulnerable to damage and the data which is not saved is also destroyed.

UPS is used to avoid this. UPS has a rechargeable battery which keeps the computer supplied continuously. It is charged with an electric supply.

When the battery capacity starts decreasing, UPS warns the user to shut down the computer by signaling by the sound of a beep.

15. CVT – Constant Voltage Transformer

What is CVT? It is used to prevent voltage fluctuations in the domestic supply so that the computer continues to receive uniform power.

16. Front Part of System unit

The next part of the system unit of a personal computer consists of the following equipment:

( a ) CD / DVD Drive : 

What is a CD / DVD drive? It is used to read or write information stored on CD / DVD. 

It is accompanied by an eject button, volume control knob for in / out CD / DVD trays, a jack for headphones and an LED (LED) indicating the use of CD / DVD.

( b ) Reset Butto : 

Used to re-start the computer without turning off the power supply.

( c ) Floppy Disk Drive : 

Used to read floppy information or to add new information to it.  

It has a push button to eject the floppy and an LED to indicate the use of the floppy.

( d ) Power Button : 

With this button, the power supply to the computer’s power supply unit is turned on or off.  It is accompanied by an LED which burns when the power is on.

( e ) USB Port : 

Due to the increased use of USB ports, one or two USB port jacks are placed in the front of the system unit. It is used to connect a pen drive or any other device.

17. Back Side of System Unit

( a ) Power Sockets : 

Used to connect system unit to supply and supply monitor to system unit.

( b ) Serial Port : 

To connect devices that input data sequentially.  Such as – mouse, Madame etc. 

Serial ports transfer data one bit at a time and comply with the RS-232 standard.

( c ) Parallel Port : 

To transfer data in parallel order. Printers, etc. are connected to this port. Its speed is higher than the serial port.

( d ) USB – ( Universal Serial Bus ) Port : 

It connects any device, such as a mouse, printer, pen drive, etc. to the system unit.

( e ) Monitor Port : 

To connect the monitor to the system unit. It is also called VGA – Video Graphis Array port.

( f ) PS – 2 ( Plug Station – 2 ) Port : 

The keyboard and mouse are connected to the computer motherboard via the PS-2 port. It is a round shaped 6 pin port. 

The green PS-2 port is used for the mouse while the purple color port is used for the keyboard.

( g ) Audio Jack : 

To connect external speakers, headphones or mic.

( h ) SCSI – Small Computer System Interface : 

To connect an external hard disk, DVD or scanner.

( i ) Network Port : 

To connect a computer with another computer. It is also called RJ – 45 connector or LAN or Ethernet port. 

It is used to telephone computers.  Connecting to the network via line is also done.

( j ) Fan

The rear of the system unit also has a fan fitted to cool the power supply unit.

Various Info Conclusion

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