What is a computer? Learn about computers from the beginning till now.

Computer is capable of performing mathematical and logical operations in an automatic sequence.  To complete the work can be directed systematically.  Since the order of instructions can be changed to carry out any action plan, a computer can perform more than one type of operation. The programming is called and the computer understands the user’s instructions with the help of computer programming language.

Mechanical computers have existed for many centuries but nowadays computers are mainly for power powered computers developed in the mid-twentieth century.

Since then it has been progressively smaller in size and capable of more operation.  Now the computer can be inserted inside the clock and it can be run with battery.

Different forms of personal computers such as portable computers, tablets etc. have become an everyday necessity.

Personal computer:

Modern computer:

Traditional computers have a central storage unit (CPU) and memory for storing information.

The operation unit performs arithmetic and logical calculations and an indexing and control unit can change the order of operations based on instructions kept in memory.

Peripheral or surface mounted devices can take information from any external source and preserve the result of the action in memory and retrieve it when needed.

Modern computers based on integrated circuits are more capable and take up far less space than millions of older computers.

Common computers are so small that even mobile phones can fit into them and mobile computers can also work with energy from a small power cell (battery).

Most people hold the same opinion about “computers” that personal computers in their various forms are the heroes of the information technology era.

However, embedded systems, which are found in most devices such as numerical MP3 players, from aircraft and toys to industrial human machines, are more popular among people.

How did the word computer originate:

The first use of the word computer was found in 1813 in the book “The Young Man’s Glings” by the English writer Richard Braithwaite.

I have read the best computer of the time and the best numerologist born on earth.

It refers to the person who used to compute, the term has been used in this context since the mid-20th century.

From the end of the nineteenth century, the term took a more plausible form, that is, the instrument that calculates.

The Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology of the Government of India has suggested the following words in Hindi for ‘computer‘ –

computer — कंप्‍यूटर, अभिकलित्र (मशीन), अभिकलक (व्यक्‍ति)

History of Computer:

Computer equipment before the 20th century:

Computers began to appear in the first century and were later used for astronomical calculations in the medieval era.  

Mechanical linear computers were used in specialized military operations during the Second World War.  

It was during this time that the first digital numerical circuits developed.  

Initially they were the size of a large room and consumed electricity equivalent to hundreds of modern personal computers today.

The first Electronic Digital Computer was developed between 1940 and 1945 in the United Kingdom and the United States.

Yantra has been used for thousands of years to do calculations, especially the tools used to count Uglio. 

The early enumeration machine was probably a matching stick. The wood on which teeth were dug for counting or was a form of matching stick.

Later in the Middle East, calculi (clay spheres, cones) were used to keep the soil in a geographical area of ​​fertile land that resembles semi-lunar in shape, which was placed in the baked and hollow clay vessels. 

They were used to indicate the count of goods (mostly livestock and grains). One example of this is the use of counting sticks.

Initially, counting was used for arithmetic tasks.  What we call the Roman Gintara today was used in Babylonia as early as 2400 BC.  

Since then, many other counting plates and bullets have been invented to calculate and count.  

In a medieval European burial house, brindle cloth was placed on the table and according to some special rules, it was used as a means to add money by moving pieces on it.

Derek J.  According to D-Sola, the antikythera process is considered to be the initial mechanical analog compiler.  

It was built for the disturbance of astronomical positions.  

It was discovered in 1901 in the Antikythera ruin of Antikythera, Yunani, and was found to date to 100 BCE.  

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It is believed that it is difficult to get a device like the antikythera process for the next 1000 years.

Many Analog Computers were built for the execution of astronomical calculations in ancient and medieval times.  

These include the Anticithera process of ancient Greece and the Astrolab (circa 150–100 BCE), which are generally considered to be the earliest known mechanical Analog Computers.  

Other early versions of mechanical equipment used for performing one or the other type of calculations include the Planisphere and other mechanical computing devices invented by Abu Rehan al-Biruni (Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī) (circa 1000 BCE);  

The Equatorium and Universal Latitude-Independent Astrolle invented by Abu Isaac Ibrahim al-Zarkali (Abū Ishāq Ibrāhīm al-Zarqālī) (circa 1015 BCE);  

Astronomical analog computers of other medieval Muslim astronomers and engineers;  And the astronomical clock tower of Soo Song (circa 1090 BCE) during the Song Dynasty.

An astronomical clock invented by Al Jazari in 1206 is considered to be the first programmable linear computer.  

This zodiac sign represented the orbits of the sun and the moon, with a crescent-shaped pointer passing through an entire entrance that opened automatic bells at every hour, and five robotic musicians with a water wheel (water wheel)  Used to play music when killed by levers powered by camshafts attached to.  

The length of day and night can be re-programmed every day in order to make it suitable for the varying lengths of day and night throughout the year.

Brief history of computer development:

1623 AD: German mathematician Wilhelm Schikard developed the first mechanical calculator.  This calculator was capable of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.

1642 AD: French mathematician Blaise Pascal invented the addition and subtraction machine.

1801 AD: French scientist Joseph Marie Jaccard demonstrated the new control system for the loom (loom).  

He programmed the loom, which made it possible to order the machine to have a weaving operation through a pattern of holes in paper cards.

1833–71 AD: British mathematician and scientist Charles Babbage built an ‘analytical engine‘ using the Jaccard punch-card system.  

It can be considered the precursor to the current computers.  Babbage’s thinking was much ahead of his era and his invention was not given much importance.

1889 AD: American engineer Herman Hollerith patented the ‘Electro Mechanical Punch Card Tabulating System’, which made it possible to work on huge amounts of statistical data. This machine was used in the US census.

1941 AD: German engineer Könardse invented the first fully functional Digital Computer Z3 that could be controlled by the program.  The Z3 was not an Electronic Computer.  It was based on electrical switches called relays.

1942 AD: Iowa State College physicist John Vincent Attanasoff and his colleague Clifford Berry created the first fully functional model of electronic computers using vacuum tubes.  

It could work faster than relay.  This early computer was not programmable.

1944 AD: Professor Howard Aiken of IBM and Harvard University built the first large scale automatic digital computer ‘Mark-1’.  

This relay based machine was 55 feet long and 8 feet high.

1943 AD: British scientists built the electronic computer ‘Colossus’ to break German codes during World War II.

1946 AD: Physicist John Mauchly and engineer J.J. at the University of Pennsylvania for the US Army.  

Presper Eckert created the ‘Electronic Numerical Integrated and Computer – ENIAC.  

A 30-ton computer the size of this room had approximately 18,000 vacuum tubes. 

Iniac’s programming could have been done to perform different tasks.

1951 AD: Eckert and Mauchly built the first commercial computer ‘UNIVAC‘ .

1969-71 AD: ‘Unix operating system’ developed at Bell Laboratory.

1971 AD: Intel developed the first commercial microprocessor ‘4004’.  The entire computer programming unit is on the microprocessor chip.

1975 AD: The first commercially successful personal computer ‘MITS Altair 8800‘ was launched.  It was in kit form with no keyboards and video displays.

1976 AD: Construction of ‘Electric Pencil‘, the first word programming program for personal computers.

1977 AD: Apple launched the ‘Apple-II’, which made it possible to display colorful text and graphics.

1981 AD: IBM launched its personal computer market using Microsoft DOS (Disk Operating System).

1984 AD: Apple launched the first Macintosh market.  It was the first computer with a GUI (graphical user interface) and mouse facility.

1990 AD: Microsoft launched the first version of its graphical user interface ‘Windows 3.0′ in the market.

1991 AD: Helsinki University student Linus Torvalds invented ‘Linux‘ for personal computers.

1996 AD: Handheld computer ‘Palm Pilot‘ launched.

2001 AD: Apple launched the Mac OS X, a Unix-based operating system for the Macintosh.

2002 AD: According to computer industry research firm Gartner Data Quest, from 1975 to the present the number of manufactured computers reached 1 billion.

2005 AD: Apple announced that it would begin using Intel microprocessors in its Macintosh computers from 2006 onwards.

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Different types of computers:

Computer parts:

A computer consists of the following four parts:

 1. inputs,

 2. Processing Equipment,

 3. output devices and

 4. Storage devices.

 (The device is also called Equipment.)

input device:

The input device or input device is the device by which instructions and data are sent to the computer.  Such as the keyboard, mouse, joystick, track hair, etc.

  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Microphone or mic
  • Scanner 
  • Digital camera
  • Touch screen, touch pad

Central processing unit

Central Processing Unit (CPU), resource device or idea device – This is the basic operational unit of the computer that works according to the data given by the forwarding devices and sends it to the output unit.  It consists of three parts:

Book or Register – The data or information that has to be worked on is first recorded in the book from the compiler memory.  There are different books for different processes. After the operation of the numeric and logic unit, the information is entered again in the book and sent back to the memory.

Numerical and logic unit – This unit works according to the instructions on the information recorded in the book and records the result again in the appropriate book.

Control unit – It controls all the functions of the central cosmetics unit.  For example, this unit controls the information from memory in the book from there to the numeric and logic unit, back to the book and from there to the memory.

Information storage device

Information storage device or security device – This saves information used in the computer.

1. Short term storage device – for short time storage of information 

● Random access memory or RAM (RAM). Random access memory (RAM) 

● Read memory or read only memory (rom)

2. Long term storage device – for long term storage of information

● Hard drive or hard disk

● Removable storage device

1. Namika (floppy disk)

2. Compact Disc (CD)

3. Digital video disk (DVD)

4. Agile memory storage device or flash memory storage device

● Usb flash drive or flash memory drive

● Flash memory card or flash memory card

5. Blu-ray Disc

Output device

Output device – This includes all the devices from which the processed information or material comes out as a human useful product.  like-

Monitor – With its help, the processed material appears in the visible form.

Pictures are displayed on the screen.  It is associated with the exhibitor.

Printer – With its help, the material released is printed on paper.  It is also called printer in English language.

Speaker – It is also called speaker, as the name itself suggests, it works to extract voice.  It is used to convey the voice generated by any process in the computer to the user.

Type of computer

The main function of the compiler is to collect the given data and work according to the instructions given on it.  

Based on the functionality, it is divided into the following categories – super computer, mainframe computer, mini computer, micro computer and so on.  

Supercomputers are the largest category, and microcomputer is the smallest.

Super computers are the fastest working computers.  They are able to convert a lot of data into information in a very short time.  

They are used for doing big tasks like weather forecasting, data mining, complex simulations, design of missiles etc.  

These include several microprocessors [a special small machine capable of doing computing work quite easily and in a very short time.].  

In order to complete a complex calculation in a short time, many processors have to do parallel work.  This is called parallel processing.  

Under this, complex work is divided into small pieces in such a way that these small tasks can be done independently by different processors simultaneously.

Mainframe computers are smaller in functionality than supercomputers but still very powerful.  More than 254 people can work on these computers simultaneously.  

The United States company is the largest manufacturer of mainframe computers.

Mini computers are smaller than mainframe computers but larger than microcomputers.

Micro computers (personal computers) are the smallest and they are also called personal computers or personal computers.  

Its first version was developed in 1971, in which 707 microprocessors were used.

  • Table-top computer
  • Lap-top
  • Palm-mounted computer (palmtop) – smartphone, music player (music player), video player (video player)
  • Tablet computer

Properties of computer 

Computers are capable of doing everything we do.  Some of their properties are as follows:


Computers work very fast, when we talk about computers, we do not talk in mini second, micro second, but in how much work a computer can do in 10-12 seconds.  Let’s measure speed.

Non boil:

Computers are never bored and this is their best quality, as they are a machine, so they are able to work for a long time without any complaints.

Ability to remember or store:

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A common computer is also able to remember a given instruction for a long time, and it can be rewritten and filled whenever required.

Uses Of Computer

  • E-mail
  •  help
  •  Information sharing
  •  Accounting
  •  word processing
  •  Book publishing
  •  Material management
  •  Scientific research and development
  •  Telecom
  •  Education spread
  •  Simulation
  •  Computer Aided Design / CAD
  •  Computer Aided Design and Drafting / CADD

Language Of Computer

The language that the compiler understands is called binary language.  In fact, this device only considers the current on or off.  Electric current and stop are expressed by means of 0 or 1.  Therefore, to do any work on it, it has to give instructions or information in this language.

Device Language:

In the early days, the computer was directly instructed or communicated in binary language.  It was also called Yantra Bhasha (Machine Language) due to its direct contact with the device.  This process of giving instructions or information in this way was quite complex.

Combination Language:

To reduce the complexity of the instrument language, the help of the assembler was taken.  It was a program that transformed certain words into a set of binary signals.  In this language a simple word was chosen for each process.  This used to work only by writing the word sign instead of the binary signal group.  The language combined by these signs and working with the help of connectors is called assembly language.

High Level Languages:

The introduction of assembly languageways provided convenience to the computer programmers, but it required the programmer to have complete knowledge of the hardware of the computer and its functioning. Therefore, now even more simple languages ​​were developed, which were called high level languages.  Some of the major early languages ​​were COBOL, BASIC, C.

In the 1960s, high-level programming languages ​​using a compiler or compiler were commonly called autocodes.  Examples of autocodes are COBOL and Fortran. The first high-level programming language designed for computers was Plankalkül, created by Konrad Zeus. However, it was not implemented in his time.

One thing to note about high-level programming languages ​​is that these languages ​​allow programmers to separate and detach from the machine.  That is, unlike low-level languages ​​such as assembly or machine languages, high-level programming can amplify the programmer’s instructions and trigger a lot of data movements in the background without their knowledge.  The responsibility and power to execute the instruction is delegated from the programmer to the machine.

Converting high-level languages ​​or high-level languages ​​into machine language requires a compiler and interpreter.

The compiler or compiler permanently converts programs written in high-level language to machine language, while the lecturer or interpreter converts one by one line.

Advantages and disadvantages of computers

Computer networks and communications have revolutionized.

Benefit of computer

  •  It is the best medium of communication.
  •  This makes it easy to share any resource.
  •  It is a great machine for sharing all types of files.
  •  It is a cheap device.
  •  This saves time.
  •  It has a lot of space for keeping documents.
  •  It can be acted upon by understanding it very easily.

The loss of computer

  •  Wrong use is a waste of time.
  •  This leads to reduction in physical activity.
  •  Blood circulation is not known correctly.
  • Eating more food and increasing obesity.
  • Complaint of pain in back and head.
  • Weakness in eyes or vision.
  • Insomnia discomfort.
  • If you use the laptop on your thigh, you can become impotent.

Importance of computer

This device contributes significantly to the use of the Internet.

This gives a fairly pure result in calculating.

Saves time for people doing business.

Almost all the functions in the bank are based on this.

In the industry, all the operations from operation of machines to production, purchase and sale of products etc. are done.

In the field of medicine, from investigations to surgery, its reasons have been simple.

Its role is important in the field of education.

This has made it easier for people to innovate new technology.

Every kind of work is done in space research.

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Originally posted 2020-11-01 11:51:00.

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