What is a computer, its types and how does it work?

What is a computer and how do computers work. We have written this article by making this today’s topic. Simply put, a computer is an electronic device. You all probably already know this answer. So you must be thinking that why again today this article about which we already know everything.

What is a computer, its types and how does it work?

Just wait. I want to tell you what is a basic computer today, out of which you may already know something, but my aim is that you should be given information about the complete computer and not half incomplete. I know that you know basic knowledge of computers. But do you know how it works, who made it before, through which loop it has passed? How many changes were seen in the characteristics of the computer over the years? 

The computer we are using today is the result of years of hard work of many scientists behind it.  On the other hand, better than half incomplete knowledge, you should have complete knowledge.  Today I want to give complete information about this device to you people along with this article, what is called a computer, what is its main part, full form of computer and how it works. Then what is the delay, let’s start and know what is a computer.

What is Computer

A computer is a machine that performs tasks according to certain instructions. It is an electronic device that is designed to work with information. This word computer is derived from the Latin word “computare”. It means to calculate or to calculate.

 It mainly has three functions. The first is to take the data which we also call Input, the second task is to process that data and then the task is to show that processed data which is also called Output.

Input Data →  Processing → Output Data

Who invented the computer?

कंप्यूटर का आविष्कार किसने किया-Who invented computer?

Charles Babbage is said to be the father of the modern computer.  Because he was the first to design the mechanical computer, which is also known as the Analytical Engine. In this, data was inserted with the help of a punch card.

So we can call a computer as such an advanced electronic device that takes raw data from the user as input, then processes that data through a program (set of instructions), and finally the result in the form of output. publishes. It processes both numerical and nonnumerical (arithmetic and logical) calculations.

What is the full form of a computer?

Technically there is no full form of computer. Still, there is an imaginary full form of computer,

C – Commonly, O – Operated, M – Machine, P – Particularly, U – Used for, T – Technical and E – Educational, R – Research

History of Computer – Generation of Computer

It cannot be properly proved that since when the development of computer started. But officially the development of the computer has been classified according to the generation. These are mainly divided into 5 parts.
When it comes to the generation of the computer, it means that the generations of the computer. As the computer developed, they were divided into different generations so that it is easy to understand them properly.

the first generation of computers – 1940-1956 “Vacuum Tubes”

The first-generation computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory.  They used to be quite big in size. A lot of power was used to run them. 

Being very large, it also had a lot of heat problems, due to which it used to malfunction many times.  Machine language was used in these. For example, UNIVAC and ENIAC computers.

The second generation of computers – 1956-1963 “Transistors”

In second-generation computers, transistors replaced vacuum tubes. Transistors took up very little space, were smaller, were faster, were cheaper, and were more energy efficient.  

They used to generate less heat than the first generation computers but still, there was a problem of heat in it. In this, high-level programming languages ​​like COBOL and FORTRAN were used.

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The third generation of computers – 1964-1971 “Integrated Circuits”

Integrated Circuit was used for the first time in third-generation computers. In which the transistors were small and inserted inside the silicon chip, which is called Semi-Conductor. It benefited from this that the processing capacity of the computer increased to a great extent. 

Monitors, keyboards, and operating systems were used for the first time to make computers of this generation more user-friendly. It was launched in the market for the first time.

The fourth generation of computers – 1971-1985 “Microprocessors”

The specialty of the fourth generation is that Microprocessor was used in it. Due to which thousands of Integrated Circuits were embedded in a single silicon chip. This made it very easy to reduce the size of the machine. The use of microprocessors increased the efficiency of the computer even more. This very work was able to do very big calculations in Samaya.

Fifth-generation of computers – 1985-present “Artificial Intelligence”

Fifth-generation is of today’s era where Artificial Intelligence has established its dominance. Now many advanced techniques like new technology like Speech recognition, Parallel Processing, Quantum Calculation are coming into use.
 This is a generation where due to the artificial intelligence of the computer, the ability to make decisions on its own has come. Gradually, all its work will be automated.

Who invented the computer? 

Father Of Computer Charles Babbage
Who is called the father of the modern computer? In this way, many people have contributed to this computing field. But out of all this, Charles Babbage contributes more. Because he was the first to come out with the Analytical Engine in 1837.

The concept of ALU, Basic Flow Control, and Integrated Memory was implemented in this engine. Based on this model, today’s computer was designed. That is why his contribution is the highest. That is why he is also known as the father of computers.

Definition of computer

There are many components of any modern digital computer but some of them are very important like Input Device, Output Device, CPU (Central Processing Unit), Mass Storage Device, and Memory.

accepts data Input
processes data Processing
produces output Output
stores results Storage

How computer works

Input (Data): Input is the step in which raw information is inserted into the computer using the Input Device. It can be a letter, picture, or even a video.

Process: Input is the step in which raw information is inserted into the computer using the Input Device. It can be a letter, picture, or even a video.

Output: The data that has already been processed during the output is shown in terms of the result.  And if we want, we can save this result and keep it in memory for future use.

Nominee image of basic computer units

Nominee image of basic computer units
Photo credit-google.com

If you have ever seen inside which computer case, then you must have found that there are many small components inside, they look very complicated, but they are not that complicated in reality. Now I will give you some information about these components.


The main circuit board of any computer is called the motherboard. It looks like a thin plate, but it holds many things like CPU, memory, connectors for hard drive and optical drive, expansion card to control video and audio, as well as all the components of the computer. connection to ports. If seen, the motherboard is a direct or indirect connection with all the parts of the computer.


Do you know what is Central Processing Unit ie CPU?  This is also called. It is found in the motherboard inside the computer case. It is also called the brain of the computer. It is keeping an eye on all the activities within a computer. The higher the speed of a processor, the sooner it will be able to do the processing.


We also know RAM as Random Acess Memory.  This is the short-term memory of the system.  Whenever the computer does some calculations, it temporarily saves that result in RAM. If the computer is turned off, this data is also lost.  If we are writing a document, then to avoid it being destroyed, we should save our data in between. By saving, if the data is saved in the hard drive, then it can stay for a long time. RAM is measured in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB). The more RAM we have, the better it is for us.

Hard Drive

Hard Drive is the component where software, documents, and other files are saved. In this, the data is stored for a long time.

Power Supply Unit

The job of the power supply unit is to take power from the main power supply and supply it to other components as per the requirement.

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Expansion Card

All computers have Expansion Slots so that we can add an Expansion Card in the future. These are also called PCI (Peripheral Components Interconnect) cards. But today’s motherboard has many slots already built-in. Names of some expansion cards that we can use to update old computers.

  • Video Card
  • Sound card
  • Network Card
  • Bluetooth Card (Adapter)

Note – If you are ever opening things inside the computer, then you should first remove the plug from the main socket.(alert-passed)

Computer hardware and software

We can call computer hardware any such physical device that we use in our computer, whereas computer software means the collection of codes that we install in the hard drive of our machine to run the hardware. 

For example, the computer monitor that we use to navigate, the mouse that we use to navigate, are all computer hardware. Wherein the Internet Browser from which we visit the website, and the Operating System in which that Internet Browser runs. We call such things software. 

We can say that a computer is a combination of software and hardware, both have similar roles, both can do any work together.

Types of Computer

Whenever we ever hear the use of the word computer, then only the picture of a personal computer comes into our mind. Let me tell you, people, that there are many types of computers.  Comes in various Shapes and Sizes. We use them as per the need, such as ATM to withdraw money, Scanner to scan a barcode, Calculator to do any big calculation. These are all different types of computers.

1. Desktop

Many people use desktop computers for their homes, schools, and for their personal work. They are designed in such a way that we can keep them on our desks. They have many parts like Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Computer Case.

2. Laptop

You must have known about laptops which are battery-powered, they are very portable so that they can be taken anywhere and anytime.

3. Tablet

Now let’s talk about the tablet, which we also call a handheld computer because it can be easily held in the hands. It does not have a keyboard and mouse, just a touch-sensitive screen that is used for typing and navigation. Example- iPad.

4. Servers

A server is some type of computer that we use to exchange information.  For example, whenever we search for something on the Internet, all those things are stored in the server itself.

Other types of Computers

Let us now know what are other types of computers.

Smartphone: When the Internet is enabled in a normal cell phone, we can do many things using it, then such a cell phone is called a smartphone.

Wearable: Wearable technology is a general term for a group of devices – including fitness trackers and smartwatches – that are designed to be worn throughout the day.  These devices are often called wearables.

Game Control: This game console is also a special type of computer that you use to play video games on your TV.

TV: TV is also a type of computer which now includes many applications or apps that convert it into Smart TV. At the same time, you can now stream videos from the Internet directly on your TV.

Application of Computer 

Where is the computer used? If seen, we have been using computers everywhere in our lives and will continue to do so. It has become like a part of us. I have written some of its uses below for your information.

use of computers in education: They have the biggest hand in education, if a student wants information about something, then this information becomes available to him within a few minutes, with the help of this.  Research has shown that with the help of computers, the learning performance of any student has increased significantly.  Nowadays, studying can be done with the help of online classes while sitting at home.

Health and Medicine: It is a boon for health and medicine.  With the help of this, the treatment of patients is done very easily nowadays.  Nowadays everything has become digital, due to which the disease is easily known and its treatment is also possible accordingly.  This has also made the operation easier.

use of computers in science: This is the gift of science itself.  This makes research very easy.  Nowadays a new trend is going on which is also called Collaboratory so that all the scientists of the world can work together, it does not matter from which country you are present in the country.

Business: It has a huge hand in business to increase productivity and competitiveness.  It is mainly used in Marketing, Retailing, Banking, Stock Trading.  Due to all things being digital here, its processing has become very fast.  And nowadays more importance is being given to Cashless Transaction.

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Recreation and Entertainment: It has become a new haven for entertainment, you talk about anything like movies, sports, or restaurants anywhere, they are used everywhere.

Government: Nowadays the government is also giving more focus on their use.  If we talk about Traffic, Tourism, Information & Broadcasting, Education, Aviation, our work has become very easy due to their use in all places.

Defense: Their use in the army has also increased to a great extent. With the help of which now our army has become more powerful. Because nowadays everything is controlled with the help of a computer. There are many places where we use it according to our needs.

benefits of computer

By the way, it would not be wrong at all to say that the computer has made the life of us human beings very easy with the help of its incredible speed, accuracy, and storage. With this, people can save anything whenever they want and can search for anything easily.  We can say that the computer is a very versatile machine because it is very flexible in doing its jobs.
But in spite of this, we can also say that the computer is a very versatile machine because it is very flexible in doing its work, while these machines also have some important advantages and disadvantages. Let us know about them.


Multitasking is a great advantage of computers.
In this, a person can easily calculate multiple tasks, multiple operations, numerical problems in a few seconds.
The computer can easily calculate in trillion of instructions per second.


Now it is no longer just a calculating device.
 Now it has become a very important part of our life. Its great advantage is its high speed, which helps it to complete any task, that too in a very short time.  In this, almost all the operations can be done immediately, otherwise, it would take a lot of time to do them.

Cost / Stores a large amount of data

It is a low-cost solution. Because in this a person can save a large amount of data in a low budget.  Using a centralized database, a very high quantity of information can be stored, so that the cost can be earned to a great extent.


These computers are very accurate about their calculations, the chances of making a mistake in them are negligible.

Data Security

Protecting digital data is called data security.  Computer protects our digital data from unauthorized users such as cyberattacks or access attacks.

disadvantages of computer

Now let us know about some disadvantages of computers.

Virus And Hacking Attacks

The virus is a destructive program and hacking is called that unauthorized access in which the owner does not know about you. These Viruses can be easily spread through email attachments, sometimes also from USB, or they can be accessed to your computer from any infected websites.
Whereas once it reaches your computer then it ruins your computer.

Online Cyber Crimes

Computers and networks are used to do these online cyber-crimes. Whereas Cyberstalking and Identity theft also come under these online cyber-crimes.

reduction in employment opportunity

Since the computer is capable of doing many tasks simultaneously, there is a huge loss of employment opportunities. Therefore, from the banking sector to any governmental sector, you see that all computers are given more importance in the place of people. So unemployment is only increasing.
 Talking about the second disadvantage, then it does not have IQ, it totally depends on the users, it has no feeling, it cannot take any decision by itself.

future of computer

By the way, day by day a lot of technological changes are coming in the computer.  Day by day it is becoming more affordable and with more performance and more capacity.  As the need of the people increases, there will be more changes in it.  Earlier it was of the size of a house, now it is getting absorbed in our hands.
There will come a time when it will be controlled by our mind. Nowadays scientists are doing more research on Optical computers, DNA Computer, Neural computers, and Quantum computers. Along with this, a lot of attention is also being paid to Artificial Intelligence so that it can do its work smoothly on its own.

What did you learn today?

By now you must have got the introduction of a computer in Hindi. I have full hope that I have given you complete information about what is computer and type of computer and hope you people have understood about this computer technology.
Easily now you can feel free to answer what is a computer. I request all of you readers that you also share this information in your neighborhood, relatives, your friends so that there will be awareness among us and everyone will benefit a lot from it. I need your cooperation so that I can pass on more new information to you guys.
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