Smart Bijlee App MP | How To Download And It’s Features – Various info

Smart Bijlee App| Smart Bijlee App Download| Smart Bijlee Bill |Smart Bijlee Portal | Smart Bijlee Bill Pay| Smart Bijlee Track Application | Smart Bijlee Portal Admin Login |What is Smart Bijli App? How to Download it | Smart Bijlee App MP – Various info (Smart Bijli App Download In Hindi)

What is MPEZ Smart Bijlee App – Madhya Pradesh Poorva Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Company Limited (MPPKVVCL) is a wholly-owned power distribution company of the Government of Madhya Pradesh. This company is registered under the Societies Act 1956. Madhya Pradesh Poorva Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Company Limited was established on 1st July 2002 by the state government.

Madhya Pradesh Eastern Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Company Limited has developed Smart Bijli Portal and Smart Bijli App along with Company’s official website to avail the services provided by the Company to its consumers. With the help of Smart Bijli Portal and Smart Bijli App, customers of MPPKVVCL Jabalpur Company can avail of almost all the services which are available on the official website of the company.

Through Smart Bijli App, customers of the company can get online facilities like MPEZ Bill Payment, MPEZ Bill Payment Status, MPPKVVCL Jabalpur Online Payment, MPEZ New Connection, MPEZ Customer Care Number, MPEZ Bill Payment Receipt, etc.

Smart Bijlee App| Smart Bijlee App Download| Smart Bijlee Bill |Smart Bijlee Portal | Smart Bijlee Bill Pay| Smart Bijlee Track Application | Smart Bijlee Portal Admin Login |What is Smart Bijli App? How to Download it | Smart Bijlee App MP - Various info

Today through this post detailed information about Smart Bijli Portal and Smart Bijli App will be provided. If you want to get complete information about Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli Mobile App, then definitely read this article of mine till the end.

Key Highlights of Smart Bijlee Portal/Smart Bijlee App 

Portal/App Name Smart Bijlee Portal/Smart Bijlee App 
embarked upon by Madhya Pradesh government
Relevant departments Ministry of Power, Government of Madhya Pradesh
beneficiary Electricity consumers living in Jabalpur, Sagar and Rewa areas
Purpose of the Portal  To provide electricity related online services to the electricity consumers residing in Jabalpur, Sagar and Rewa areas.
designed and developed IT Cell Madhya Pradesh Poorva Kshetra Vidyut Company Limited, Shakti Bhawan, Vidyut Nagar, Rampur, Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh-482008
Official website Click Here
Twitter account Click Here
Facebook account  Click Here

Smart Bijlee App And Portal

Madhya Pradesh Purva Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Company Limited, to provide various types of online services to its consumers like MPEZ Bill Payment, MPEZ Bill Payment Status, MPPKVVCL Jabalpur Online Payment, MPEZ New Connection, MPEZ Customer Care Number, MPEZ Bill Payment Receipt etc. Smart Bijlee Portal has been set up with Smart Bijlee Mobile App, whose official website is

By using the official website of Smart Bijli Portal, consumer can easily pay his MPPKVVCL Jabalpur electricity bill, get new connection and other benefits of above services in few clicks from home.

Online services available on Smart Bijlee Portal or Smart Bijlee App

MPPKVVCL Jabalpur, a company engaged in supply and distribution of electricity in eastern regions of Madhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Sagar and Rewa etc., is providing the following online services to its consumers through the company’s official website, Smart Bijli Portal and Smart Bijli App.

  • Pay Your Electricity Bill
  • Apply for LT Domestic Connection
  • Apply for LT Non Domestic
  • Mukhya Mantri Krishi Pump Service
  • Apply for LT Name Change
  • Apply for LT Load change
  • Lodge Complaint
  • My Account Details
  • Apply for HT Connection
  • Reading upload facility for consumers.
  • Apply for Purpose Change
  • Apply for Permanent Disconnection
  • Facility to update Mobile Number and Email Address

    How to Download MPPKVVCL Smart Bijlee Mobile App?

    MP East Kshetra Vidyut Vitran – Jabalpur has launched Smart Bijli mobile application to make the company’s services easily accessible to its consumers. Using Smart Bijli App one can avail services like MPEZ Bill Payment, MPEZ Bill Payment Status, MPPKVVCL Jabalpur Online Payment, MPEZ New Connection, MPEZ Customer Care Number, MPEZ Bill Payment Receipt etc. sitting at home.

    Through the Smart Bijli App, the consumer can manage the electricity bill of more than one account simultaneously from the same mobile. Smart Bijli App also provides facility to the consumers to track the status of new connection application along with electricity billing and new connection service.

    If a person wants to download Smart Bijli mobile app from Google Play Store, then follow the steps given below.

    • First of all go to the official website of Google Play Store. The home page of the official website will open.
    • On the home page, type Smart Bijlee App in the search box and click on the search link. But you need to be logged in to Google Play Store before proceeding.
    • On clicking the search button, a list of e-mobile apps linked to the Smart Bijli app will open. In the Smart Bijli app, click on the App located at the first position.
    • Install button will appear to download Smart Bijli App. Click on Install button. A new window will open, select your device in which you want to download Smart Lightning App.
    • Click on the Continue button. The Smart Bijli app will be downloaded to your chosen device in no time.
    • To use the Smart Bijli mobile app, you will first need to create an account and then verify it.
    • After this, by logging into the Smart Bijli app, you can get the benefits of all the services provided by Madhya Pradesh Poorva Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Company Limited on mobile online.
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    How to apply for LT New Connection on Smart Bijle Portal/App?

    If a person wants to apply online for MPEZ LT New Connection through the official website of Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App, then follow the steps given below.

    • Firstly visit the official website of Smart Electricity Portal. The home page of the official website will open.
    • The option of Apply for LT New Connection (LSG) will appear in the LT Services section on the home page. Click on the option of Apply for LT New Connection (LSG).
    • The application form for LT New Connection will open. Where in the connection details Name, Father/Husband’s name has been filled in the given column and from the drop down list, BPL Category, BPL Number, Applicant Category, Connection Type, Connection Category, Connection Purpose, Connection Phase, Connected Load, of Capacitor Choose. .
    • Select District, Division, DC from the drop down list. After this, in the address details of the new connection, fill the columns given on H. Number, Area / Colony, City / Town / Village, District, Pincode, Mobile Number, WhatsApp Number, Email ID.
    • Similarly, the information related to the address of residence should also be filled correctly. If the connection address and residence address are the same, then tick the check box of the same address.
    • Fill the Bank Name, Bank Account Number, IFSC Code, PAN Card Number etc in the given column in the Bank Account Details.
    • In the document section, fill the ID proof type, ID proof details in the given columns. Select Self Photo, ID Proof, Ownership Proof etc in Upload Documents and upload it.
    • Tick ​​the declaration check box in the agreement section and click on the submit button. By clicking on the submit button your application form will be approved and an application number will be generated. Save it for future reference.
    • In the above way any consumer can easily apply online for LT New Connection sitting at home through MPPKVVCL Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App.

      How to apply for LT Load Changes (LSG) on Smart Bijle Portal/App?

      If a person wishes to apply online for MPEZ LT Load Change (LSG) through the official website of Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App, then follow the steps given below.

      • Firstly visit the official website of Smart Electricity Portal. The home page of the official website will open.
      • The option of Apply for LT Load Change (LSG) will appear in the LT Services section on the home page. Click on the option of Apply for LT Load Change (LSG).
      • LT Load Change Application Form will open. Fill in the correct information related to IVRS/Service Number, Connection Category, Name of Person/Organization, Type of Connection, Current Phase of Connection, Existing Load, Existing Load Unit in the given column in the Application Form.
      • Select Applied Phase, New Applied Load Unit from the drop down list and fill in the correct columns given for New Applied Load, Region for Change.
      • Select Circle, Division, DC from the drop down list and select the scanned copy of Energy Bill, ID Proof, Ownership Proof etc. Upload. Remember that the size of the uploaded documents should not exceed 3MB.
      • After that fill your mobile number, email id in the given column and fill the captcha code given in the given column. Click on submit button.
      • By clicking on the submit button your application form will be approved and an application number will be generated. Save it for future reference.
      • In above manner any consumer can easily apply online for LT Load Change (LSG) from home through MPPKVVCL Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App.

      How to apply for LT Name Changes (LSG) on Smart Bijle Portal/App?

      If a person wants to apply online for MPEZ LT Name Change (LSG) through the official website of Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App, then follow the steps given below.

      • Firstly visit the official website of Smart Electricity Portal. The home page of the official website will open.
      • The option of Apply for LT Name Change (LSG) will appear in the LT Services section on the home page. Click on the option of Apply for LT Name Change (LSG).
      • LT Name Change Application Form will open. Fill the correct information related to IVRS/Service Number, Existing Phase, Existing Name of Person/Organization, New Name of Person/Organization, Reason for Change in the given column in the application form.
      • Select Circle, Division, DC from the drop down list and select the scanned copy of ID proof, name change record etc. Upload. Remember that the size of the uploaded documents should not exceed 50kb.
      • After that enter your mobile number, email id in the given column and click on submit button.
      • On clicking the submit button your application will be approved and an application number will be generated, which needs to be retained for future reference.
      • In above manner any consumer can easily apply online for LT Name Change (LSG) from home through MPPKVVCL Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App.
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        How to apply for Permanent Disconnection (LSG) on Smart Bijle Portal/App?

        If a person wants to apply online for MPEZ LT Permanent Disconnection (LSG) through the official website of Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App, then follow the steps given below.

        • Firstly visit the official website of Smart Electricity Portal. The home page of the official website will open.
        • The option of Apply for Permanent Disconnection (LSG) will appear in the LT Services section on the home page. Click on the option of Apply for Permanent Disconnection (LSG).
        • Permanent amputation application details page will open. Fill the correct information related to IVRS/Service Number, Name of the Individual/Organization, Reason for Permanent Disconnect, Mobile Number, Email ID in the given column in the Application Form.
        • Select Circle, Division, DC from the drop down list and fill the given captcha code in the prescribed column.
        • Click on submit button. Your application form will be approved as soon as you click on the submit button.
        • In the above manner any consumer can easily apply online for Permanent Disconnection (LSG) from the comfort of his home through MPPKVVCL Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App.

        How to apply for Category Change (LSG) on Smart Bijle Portal/App?

        If a person wants to apply online for MPEZ LT Category Change (LSG) through the official website of Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App, then follow the steps given below.

        • Firstly visit the official website of Smart Electricity Portal. The home page of the official website will open.
        • The option to Apply for Category Change (LSG) will appear in the LT Services section on the home page. Click on the option of Apply for Category Change (LSG).
        • The Lieutenant Category Change Application Details page will open. Fill the correct information related to IVRS/Service Number, Name of the applicant, reason for change, mobile number in the given column in the application form.
        • Select Existing Category, New Category, Circle, Division, DC from the drop down list and upload the scanned copy to MPEZ Jabalpur Electricity Bill.
        • Fill the given Captcha Code in the prescribed column. Click on submit button. Your application form will be approved as soon as you click on the submit button.
        • In the above manner any consumer can easily apply online for Change of Category (LSG) from his home through MPPKVVCL Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App.

          How to Report for Defective Meter on Smart Bijle Portal/App?

          If a person wants to report for a faulty meter online through the official website of Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App, then follow the steps given below.

          • Firstly visit the official website of Smart Electricity Portal. The home page of the official website will open.
          • The option of Report Defective Meter will appear in the LT Services section on the home page. Click on the option Report Defective Meter.
          • Meter Complaint Registration Form will open. In the given column in the connection details, fill the information related to IVRS/Service Number, Person/Organization Name, Address, Phase of Connection, Meter Number, Current Meter Reading, Connection Category correctly.
          • Select Meter Defective Type from the drop down list and click on submit button. Your application form will be approved as soon as you click on the submit button.
          • In this way, any consumer can easily report the faulty meter online from his home with the help of MPPKVVCL Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App.

            How to Apply for Meter Shifting on Smart Bijle Portal/App?

            If a person wants to apply online for MPEZ meter shift through the official website of Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App, then follow the steps given below.

            • Firstly visit the official website of Smart Electricity Portal. The home page of the official website will open.
            • The option to apply for meter shifting will appear in the LT Services section on the home page. Click on the option of Apply for Meter Shifting.
            • Lt Meter Shifting Form will open. Fill the information related to IVRS/Service Number, Name of the individual/organization, address, phase of connection, connection category, reason of transfer correctly in the column given under connection details in the application form.
            • Click on submit button. Your application form will be approved as soon as you click on the submit button.
            • In this way any consumer can easily apply for meter shifting online from his home through MPPKVVCL Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App.

              How to Track Application on Smart Bijle Portal/App?

              If a person has applied online for MPEZ Lt connection through the official website of Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App and wants to track the application, then follow the steps given below.

              • Firstly visit the official website of Smart Electricity Portal. The home page of the official website will open.
              • The Track Your LT Application option will appear in the LT Services section on the home page. Click on Track Your LT Application option.
              • A new page will open with the name of Track Your LT Application. Where the Application ID / Mobile Number with the help of which you want to track the application, enter it in the given column.
              • Click on submit button. As soon as you click on the submit button, the current status of your application will open on the screen of your system.
              • In this way any consumer can easily track his/her application online through MPPKVVCL Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App.

                How to Apply for Net Metering on Smart Bijle Portal/App?

                If a person wants to apply online for MPEZ meter shift through the official website of Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App, then follow the steps given below.

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                • Firstly visit the official website of Smart Electricity Portal. The home page of the official website will open.
                • The option to apply for net metering application will appear in the LT Services section on the home page. Click on the option of Apply for Net Metering Application.
                • A page of net metering document will open where download links of subsidy rates applicable for (i) Agreement, (ii) Work Completion Report, (iii) Grid Connected Roof Top Solar Phase II will be found.
                • Complete by downloading the documents with the help of download link and click on ‘Continue to apply’ link.
                • Application Form – Net metering connection will open. Where the information related to IVRS number, name of the individual / organization, address, service number, mobile number, email id will be correctly filled in the given column under application details.
                • Choose one of the subsidized/non-subsidised as per your convenience. Select the seller from the drop down list.
                • Upload Self Photo and Aadhar Photo, but the size of the photo should not exceed 5 MB. Enter your Aadhar Number and Pincode Number in the given column.
                • Fill in the existing connection details, if any, in the given columns. The information requested regarding the proposed system details should be filled in the prescribed columns correctly.
                • Select the District, Division, DC from the drop down list and tick the box after reading the declaration statement. Read the General Terms and Conditions carefully and tick the box to accept the terms and conditions.
                • Click on submit button. Your application form will be approved as soon as you click on the submit button.
                • In this way any consumer can easily apply online for net metering from his home through MPPKVVCL Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App.

                How to apply for Temporary Agriculture Connection on Smart Bijle Portal/App?

                If a person wants to apply online for MPEZ LT Temporary Agriculture Connection through the official website of Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App, then follow the steps given below.

                • Firstly visit the official website of Smart Electricity Portal. The home page of the official website will open.
                • The option to apply for Temporary Agriculture Connection will appear in the LT Services section on the home page. Click on the option of Apply for Temporary Agriculture Connection.
                • Application Form- Temporary Agriculture Pump Connection will open. Where in the given columns the connection details, name, father/husband’s name, type of connection, time duration, connection category have been filled.
                • Select Connection Purpose, Connection Phase, Connected Load, Capacitor from the drop down list.
                • In the address details, fill the columns given Landmark, Region/Village and select Circle, Division, DC from the drop down list. Enter Pincode, Mobile Number, WhatsApp Number, Email ID in the given column.
                • Select Enforcement/Vigilance Team ID, Rental Transformer, Transformer Capacity from the drop down list and click on submit button. On clicking submit button your application form will be approved and an application number will be generated. Save it for future reference.
                • In the above manner, any consumer can easily apply online for temporary agriculture pump connection from the comfort of his home through MPPKVVCL Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App.

                  How to apply for Temporary Agriculture Pump Connection Extension on Smart Bijle Portal/App?

                  If a person wants to apply online for MPEZ LT Temporary Agriculture Pump Connection Extension through the official website of Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App, then follow the steps given below.

                  • Firstly visit the official website of Smart Electricity Portal. The home page of the official website will open.
                  • The option to apply for extension of Agriculture TC will appear in the LT Services section on the home page. Click on the option to apply for extension of Agriculture TC.
                  • Application Form- Temporary Agriculture Pump Connection Extension will open. Where in the connection details, fill the application ID, name of the person, father/husband name, time duration, extended time, extension number of days in the given column.
                  • Click on submit button. Your request will be accepted once you click on submit button.
                  • Thus any consumer can easily do the time extension online for Agriculture TC sitting at home through MPPKVVCL Smart Bijli Portal or Smart Bijli App.

                    Smart Bijlee Portal/App Helpline Number

                    Through this post detailed information has been provided on all aspects related to Smart Bijli Portal / Smart Bijli App launched by Madhya Pradesh Poorva Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Company Limited. If still any person has any kind of problem related to Smart Bijli Portal / Smart Bijli App then he can solve his problem by contacting MPPKVVCL Jabalpur address and contact number given below.

                    Madhya Pradesh East Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Company Limited

                    Shakti Bhawan, Vidyut Nagar, Rampur, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh)- 482008

                    Contact details

                    Toll Free Number: 1800-233-1266

                    toll free number.  : 1912

                    Email – 

                    Contact Number 

                    Corporate Office Click Here

                    Field Officer Click Here

                    Sagar Region Click Here

                    Various Info Conclusion

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                    Hello friends, I am Ashok Nayak, the Author & Founder of this website blog, I have completed my post-graduation ( mathematics) in 2022 from Madhya Pradesh. I enjoy learning and teaching things related to new education and technology. I request you to keep supporting us like this and we will keep providing new information for you. #We Support DIGITAL INDIA.

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