Prevention and home remedies due to lip Crack

LIPS CRACK– Lips are very important in enhancing the beauty of the face.  But as the winter season approaches, where the whole body starts to dry, there is also the problem of lips breaking.  Lips not only destroy the beauty of the face but also cause trouble in eating, drinking and talking.  And this happens because the lips are much thinner and more sensitive than any other part of our body.  Due to cold winds and changing weather, the moisture of lips is lost somewhere and they start to crack.  In such a situation, it becomes very important that we take good care of our lips so that they always remain soft, soft and beautiful.  Here are some home remedies…

Why do lips crack?

Along with changing seasons, some of our habits are also responsible for lip bites like–

Disease and medicines: – Lip balm starts due to use of cheap and inferior chemical products.  Sometimes, lips also crack due to illness.  Due to diseases like thyroid, cirrhosis, diabetes, etc., there may be a problem of lip eruption.

Lack of hormones, vitamin B and iron: – Another reason of lip rupture can also be imbalance of hormones.  Lack of vitamin B can cause dryness of lips.  In addition, iron or folate deficiency may also be the reason for the lips to explode.

Lick lips, chew or bite: – People who chew their lips, turn the tongue repeatedly on the lips or drink less water also have to suffer from this problem.

Some special ingredients: – Toothpaste may contain ingredients that can bring dryness in the lips.  If you feel like this then toothpaste should be replaced.  Apart from this, if there is any other product that should be used when it becomes dry in the lips, then it should be changed.  Apart from this, sometimes due to allergies of some element of multi vitamin, lip dryness can cause problems.

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Home remedy to cure Crack lips

⇒ Applying oil to the navel does not cause the lips to crack.

 ⇒ Keeping the stomach clean does not cause the lips to crack.

 ⇒ By adding salt to the butter and applying it on the lips, chapped lips are cured quickly.

 ⇒ Applying almond oil on the lips daily in the morning and evening helps to cleanse the lips.

 ⇒ Applying ghee in the navel or on the lips stops lips from bursting.

 ⇒ Grind the melon of watermelon in water and apply it on the lips and tongue and stop its bursting.

 ⇒ If the lips have become dark and dry, then grind fresh leaves of rose flower and add glycerin in it.  Stop using lipstick and apply it on lips regularly, lips turn beautiful pink.

 ⇒ Crush and squeeze a piece of cucumber.  Applying this juice on the lips removes bursting of lips.

⇒ Mixing powdered salt with looney ghee and rubbing it on the lips stops bursting of lips.

 ⇒ Mix olive oil and Vaseline three or four times a day and apply on cracked lips.  After three to four days of regular treatment, the cracks of your lips will start to fill or get filled.

 ⇒ Before bathing, take a quarter spoon of peanut oil in the palm and rub it in the palm with your finger.  …

Remedies for cracked lips

Apply a balm to the lips with a brush.  For this, take a good quality lip balm and apply a pearl layer of lip balm on your lips with a soft toothbrush or a washed soft cloth.  Apply it before sleeping at night.  Now wake up in the morning, soak a soft toothbrush and massage it on the lips, so that the dead cells of your lips come out.  Then wipe off excess lip balm on your lips.  If you use it regularly, it will easily remove the dry skin and layer of your lips.  At the same time, it will moisturize by filling the cracked lips.

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If your lips are cracked then take care of these things– Crack Lips Care Tips 

⇒ There should be no shortage of water in the body.  Even in winter, try to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.  If the lips are dry, do not make the mistake of turning the tongue on them.

 ⇒ If you have cracked lips, avoid chewing them or crushing them continuously.  These two habits make the situation worse.  Chewing the lips can provide instant relief, but when saliva dries from the lips, your lips become dry again.  Scrape the skin of the lips can cause bleeding, infection, or even wound.  So avoid it.

 ⇒ Sometimes lip eruptions also occur due to nutritional deficiency.  In this case, take full care of your diet so that the body does not lack any elements.

 ⇒ Any product you use must be of high quality.  If you want, you can use almond oil or jojoba oil.

 ⇒ Use a salt or sugar scrub.  Apply a scrub to your lips and massage in circular motion, removing dead skin (you can also use a little olive oil mixed with sugar).  Your lips should feel soft and fresh.

 ⇒ To get rid of chapped lips, increase the amount of vitamins needed in your diet by taking a dose of vitamin pills or taking a better diet.

 ⇒ Do not try to sleep or breathe with your mouth open.  If you wake up in the morning with dry, cracked lips, you may be sleeping with your mouth open.  The lips can dry out due to air being in and out of the mouth overnight.  Try to change your sleeping position.

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 ⇒ Anything that you keep in contact with the lips regularly can affect their condition.  The chemicals present in cigarettes, gum and processed snacks can be responsible for the drying and cracking of the lips.

 ⇒ Leaving your lips unprotected in strong wind can cause damage.  Spending time in a very dry place can dry the lips and cause cracks.  If the environment is to blame for your lips, then you should take extra care to protect the lips while going out.

 ⇒ Always consult a physician for diagnosis of any medical condition, especially when it may not occur under home treatment in a correct time.  In the case of lips, a dermatologist is probably the most qualified to assess any condition.

 ⇒ Never rub your cracked lips hard, such as with a nail file or a stiff brush.

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