Government has implemented 3 new rules for pensioners from January 1, it is important to know all!

The government has implemented some important new rules for pensioners from January 1, 2025. These rules have been introduced to make the pension process simple and digital. The objective of these rules is to increase the convenience of pensioners and speed up the pension distribution process. The government believes that with these rules pensioners will be able to get their pension on time and easily.

Under these new rules, changes have been made in the process of filling the pension form, the method of calculating pension and the process of pension payment. It is very important for all pensioners and retiring government employees to be aware of these rules. Let us know about these new rules in detail.

Overview of changes in pension rules

Rule Description
new pension form It is mandatory to fill online Form 6-A
How to fill the form Future or online on e-HRMS portal
effective date From 1 January 2025
old forms Paper forms will not be accepted
purpose of form Simplifying and digitalizing the pension process
beneficiary Retired Central Government Employees
additional pension Pensioners above 80 years of age will get
family pension New rules implemented for daughters

New Pension Form 6-A: Mandatory to fill online

The central government has implemented a new rule to make the pension process completely digital. Under this rule, now all central government employees will have to fill pension form 6-A online at the time of retirement. This new rule will come into effect from January 1, 2025.

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Important information about Form 6-A:

  • This form is available only on Bhavishya or e-HRMS portal.
  • Forms filled on paper will no longer be accepted
  • This is a simplified form that incorporates many of the older forms.
  • Filling this form will make the pension process faster and easier.

The following old forms have been subsumed into Pension Form 6-A:

  • Form 6
  • Form 8
  • Form 4
  • Form 3
  • Form A
  • format 1
  • format 9
  • FMA Form
  • zero option form

Process to fill online pension form

According to the new rule, all central government employees will have to fill pension form 6-A online. This process can be completed in the following steps:

  1. Login to Bhavishya or e-HRMS portal: Login using your government email ID and password.
  2. Search Pension Form 6-A: Select the option of Pension Form 6-A from the menu given on the portal.
  3. Fill personal information: Fill information like your name, designation, date of birth, date of retirement etc.
  4. Provide Service Details: Fill your job related information like appointment date, department name, salary etc.
  5. Enter Bank Account Details: Provide your bank account information like account number, IFSC code etc.
  6. Upload required documents: Upload birth certificate, identity card, copy of bank passbook etc.
  7. Fill out the declaration form: Fill out the declaration form, confirming that the information given is correct.
  8. Submit Form: Submit the form after checking all the information.

Additional pension for old pensioners

The government has implemented another important rule to help old pensioners. Under this rule, additional pension will be given to pensioners aged 80 years or more. This additional pension will be in addition to their basic pension.

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Rates of additional pension:

  • 80 to 85 years: Additional 20% of basic pension
  • 85 to 90 years: Additional 30% of basic pension
  • 90 to 95 years: Additional 40% of basic pension
  • 95 to 100 years: Additional 50% of basic pension
  • 100 years and above: 100% additional basic pension

This additional pension will start being received from the first day of the month in which the pensioner completes 80 years. For example, if a pensioner was born on 15th August, he will start getting additional pension from 1st August itself.

New rules of family pension

The government has also made some changes in the rules of family pension. The objective of these new rules is to extend pension benefits to family members of government employees, especially daughters.

New rules for family pension for daughters:

  • Eligibility: A daughter will remain eligible for family pension unless she marries, remarries, takes up employment or becomes mentally or physically disabled.
  • Daughters above 25 years of age: Unmarried, widowed or divorced daughters who are above 25 years of age can also be eligible to receive family pension.
  • Priority for disabled children: Disabled children will be given priority in getting pension.
  • Updating Records: Government employees have to update the information of their family members regularly.
  • In cases of divorce or legal proceedings: If a woman employee or pensioner is in divorce or legal proceedings, she can apply for family pension for her children in the event of her death.

Other important changes in pension rules

The government has also made some more changes in pension rules which are important for pensioners to know:

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minimum pension

At present the minimum pension has been fixed at Rs 3,500 per month. This amount is a base amount for pensioners that they will receive every month, irrespective of their service period.

maximum pension

The maximum limit of pension has been fixed at 50% of the highest salary (currently Rs 45,000) per month in the Government of India. That means no pensioner can get more pension than this.

commutation of pension

Central government employees can commute up to 40% of their pension. Commutation means taking a part of the pension as a lump sum. This facility is useful for those who want to make any major expenditure after retirement.

retirement gratuity

The maximum limit of retirement gratuity has been fixed at Rs 10 lakh. This is a lump sum amount that is given to the employee at the time of retirement.


This article is for informational purposes only. Although we have attempted to provide accurate information, government rules and policies may change from time to time. Therefore, before taking any action please obtain latest and accurate information from the concerned government department or authorized sources. The author or publisher will not be responsible for any decisions or actions taken based on the information provided in the article.

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