write application against wife

In many homes, it is always seen that the wife tortures her husband mentally and physically. In such a situation the husband can complain against his wife. But for this the husband will have to show some concrete evidence. Because, usually the wife files a complaint against her husband.

If your wife harasses you, threatens you, implicates you in a false case of suicide, etc., then you can file a FIR against her by writing a complaint letter. But for this you will have to write a complaint letter in the proper format, complete information of which we have given in this post, following which you can also write a complaint letter against your wife.

Complaint letter format against wife


Mr. Police Station Chief,
Jamo police station, Siwan, Bihar

Subject: Complaint letter against mental harassment against wife


It is a humble request that I am a resident of ……………………….. village ………………………. Sir, I want to inform you with great sadness that my wife is mentally harassing my entire family including me. My marriage took place last year on ……/……./……. happened on. Ever since my wife came home, she doesn’t understand anyone in the family, she just says whatever comes to her mouth. Abusing her has become a common thing and she keeps threatening him with false hairstyle if he explains or scolds her. That’s why even the family members don’t say anything, which has given him more freedom.

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Therefore, I request you to sir to convince my wife legally and show her the fear of punishment against threatening her, so that my family can run smoothly. For this I will be grateful to you forever. Thank you!

Name: …………………..
Gram: ……………………
Mobile Number:……………………
Family Signature: ……………………….

Write complaint letter against wife


Mr. Police Station Chief,
Mahila Police Station, Siwan

Subject: Complaint letter against wife’s harassment


It is a humble request that I am Omprakash Gupta, resident of village – Kisansh, Siwan. I want to inform you that my wife has beaten my mother Sita Devi with a stick last night. My mother only asked me to cook food, but in anger she hit me with a stick and also abused me. After my explanation, he even threatened me to file a complaint against him for taking dowry. Sir, we whole family is scared because, she can do anything. I am writing this letter because there are still injury marks on my mother’s head, legs and back, which will provide evidence against her.

Therefore, sir is requested to take action in this regard as soon as possible and give us proper guidance. I will always be grateful to you for this. Thank you!

Name: Om Prakash Gupta
Mobile Number:……………………..
Signature: ……………………..

Complaint letter of mental harassment against wife


Mr. Station Incharge Sir,
Badharia Police Station, Siwan

Subject: Application letter regarding mental harassment against wife


It is a humble request that I am Vikash Gupta, resident of village Puraina. I want to inform you that last night my wife named Vipasha Gupta stabbed my sister named Priyanka Gupta with a knife, due to which sister’s body got cut and she is admitted in Badharia Hospital. Sir, my wife keeps mentally harassing the entire family. Whenever I ask her anything, she keeps on complaining like suicide, false case, rape etc. And last night it became too much, sir, her stubbornness and anger is becoming bad for my family.

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Therefore, you are requested to please investigate this incident at your level and provide us relief from mental harassment. For this I will be grateful to you throughout my life. Thank you!

Name: Vikash Gupta
Mobile Number: XXXXXXX412
Signature: ……………………..

Summary: If your wife shows any kind of misbehavior with you or your family, false threats, fear of dowry, fear of suicide etc., then you can file a complaint against your wife in the police station. For this you will have to write a complaint letter against your wife, complete information of which we have provided in this post. If you still have any questions, please let us know by commenting.

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