Now write application form for new passbook like this

Passbook is not only a paper of the bank but also an important document, which is used to avail the benefits of various government schemes and also as an identity card. In this case, if your passbook is lost somewhere, or the page gets filled due to too many transactions, then you can get it back by applying for a new passbook from your branch. Banks provide various options to customers to apply for passbook, such as application through branch, net banking etc.

If you do not use online banking, you can write an application for a new passbook and submit it to the branch. After a few days, the passbook arrives at your address by post. If you have trouble in writing the application, then there is no need to worry, because in this post the application format for New Passbook is available, it will help you in writing the application.

Pay attention before applying for new passbook

  • Write the application on white paper.
  • The application should be written in black or blue pen.
  • Write the application in simple and easy language.
  • Do not make any kind of mistake in the application. Otherwise the application will be resected.
  • While writing the application for new passbook, write name, account number, mobile number etc. correctly.
  • Write your bank and branch ifsc code correctly in the application.
  • Write the same name in the application which you have given in your Aadhar Card, PAN Card or while opening the account in your bank.
  • Sign the same in the application form as you did while opening the account.
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Application Format for New Passbook


Mr. Bank Manager
_______(write the name and address of the bank)_______

Date: ……/……../……………….

Subject: Letter for making a new passbook


It is my humble request that I am _____(name of account holder)_____ account holder of your bank. My account number is _______(account number)_______. My bank passbook is not available, that is, it has been lost or stolen, due to which I am facing many problems in doing transactions in the bank.

Therefore, I request you to please provide me a new passbook as soon as possible. I will always be grateful to you for this. Thank you!

your confidant
Your name:……………………
Account Number:……………………
Mobile Number:……………………
Signature: …………………

Application for making new passbook in Hindi

To write an application for passbook, follow the process given below.


Mr. Branch Manager
(State Bank of India, Barharia)

SubjectApplication letter for new bank passbook


It is a humble request that I, Ankit Kumar, am the account holder of your bank. Your Bank Branch Badhariya I have my account. Whose account number is xxxxxxxxx21236. I have not received the passbook of my bank account, due to which I am unable to get the information of my account records.

Therefore, I have a humble request to you to please give me a new passbook of my account, for this I will always be grateful to you.
Thank you !


Name of the applicant: ……………
Account Number: …………….
Mobile No:……………………..
Address: ……………………..

Application to change passbook

If your passbook is old. And if the page of your passbook is exhausted, then you can get a new passbook by writing the application given below and submitting it to the bank branch.

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Mr. Branch Manager
(branch Name)

SubjectApplication letter for new bank passbook


It is my humble request that I (write your name here ) I am an account holder of your bank. Your Bank Branch Badhariya (Enter the name of the bank branch) I have a savings account. Whose account number (Enter your account number) it is. My bank passbook is out of date. Whose all pages are finished. Due to which I am unable to get information about the transactions taking place from my account.

Therefore, I have a humble request to you to please give me a new passbook of my savings account number ………, for this I will always be grateful to you. Thank you !


Name of the applicant: ……………
Account Number: …………….
Mobile No:……………………..
Address: ……………………..

How to write application if passbook is lost


Mr. Branch Manager
(Bank of India, Gopalganj)

SubjectApplication letter for new bank passbook


It is a humble request that I, Amit Prajapati, am an account holder of your bank. Your Bank Branch Gopalganj I have a savings account. Whose account number is xxxxxxxxx2562. I had gone out for work when my bag was stolen. In which my bank passbook along with other documents has also been stolen. Due to which I am unable to transact from my account.

Therefore, I have a humble request to you to please give me my new passbook as soon as possible, for this I will always be grateful to you.
Thank you !


Name of the applicant: ……………
Account Number: …………….
Mobile No:……………………..
Address: ……………………..

In this way, by following the process given above, you can easily write an application for a new bank passbook.

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Read this also,

Frequently Asked Questions: FAQs

Q. How to write application for new passbook

First of all write your subject in the application, application form for new passbook, after this I humbly request that I am the account holder of your bank. Whose account number is this. My bank passbook is out of date. Whose all pages are finished. Due to which I am unable to get information about the transactions taking place from my account. Therefore, it is a humble request to you to please give me the new passbook of my savings account number ……… as soon as possible.

Q. What to do if you lose your bank passbook?

If your bank passbook is lost. Due to which you are not getting information about the transactions taking place in your bank account. So for this you will have to apply in your bank branch. After this the bank will provide you a new passbook.

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