MP Board Class 12th English The Spectrum Workbook Solutions Chapter 14 India: Vision 2020

MP Board Class 12th English The Spectrum Workbook Solutions Chapter 14 India: Vision 2020

MP Board Class 12th English The Spectrum Workbook Solutions Chapter 14 India: Vision 2020

Word Power

Fill up the following blanks with suitable words:

Parliament in the UK consists of two houses the House of Commons and the House of Lords. In the House of Commons, there are 650 members each representing one constituency. The ruling party in the Commons is the one that gains a majority of seats. The main figure in (hat party is called the leader. The Commons is elected for a maximum period of 5 years although the X Prime Minister may call a general election at any time within that period.


A. Choose the correct option.

(i) The explosive growth in television Ls mainly due to……
(a) the better purchase power of people
(b) electrification of the villages
(c) development in satellite communications
(d) non-compulsion of obtaining licenses.
(c) development in satellite communications

(ii) The second Green Revolution would help the farmers by……
(a) providing them with surplus food products
(b) giving them better monetary returns
(c) making them food exporters
(d) liberating their minds.
(c) making them food exporters

(iii) Which of the following sectors/industries is not mentioned in vision 2020?
(a) manufacturing
(b) defense
(c) service
(d) space exploration.
(d) space exploration.

(iv) Singapore has presented Itself as a glorious example of its citizens……
(a) doing their civic duty
(b) being industrious
(c) becoming self-reliant
(d) learning governance.
(a) doing their civic duty

(v) Which of the following points is not covered In the ten-point oath:
(a) spreading literacy
(b) being religious
(c) being righteous
(d) being honest.
(b) being religious

B. Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the box.

critical, greedy, young, indomitable, global

1. One of India’s greatest assets is its people.
2. India will be self-reliant in the elements of the strategic sectors.
3 politicians are a hindrance to improvement.
4. India will become a leader in the service sector.
5. The youth of India should have a spirit.

  1. young
  2. critical
  3. greedy
  4. global
  5. indomitable.

Language Practice

A. Complete the sentences choosing the correct group of words given below.

Question 1.
When I left home my uncle gave me some advice. He said ………. give up hope.
(a) I don’t
(b) that I shouldn’t
(c) that shouldn’t
(d) that I don’t.
(b) that I shouldn’t

Question 2.
My teacher predicted to receive a lot of praise for my work.
(a) that would I
(b) that I would
(c) that I
(d) what I would.
(b) that I would

Question 3.
The old lady next door must have a lot of cats. I don’t know how many
(a) cats have her
(b) cats do she have
(c) cats she has
(d) she he cats.
(c) cats she has

Question 4.
My boss wants this report immediately. He demanded that it be ready by 5: 00.
(a) will be
(b) was
(c) should be
(d) is.
(c) should be

Question 5.
Rajesh saw an accident. He told me at the scene of the accident.
(a) if he had seen
(b) what he’d seen
(c) what he saw
(d) that he had seen.
(b) what he’d seen

See also  MP Board Class 12th English The Spectrum Workbook Solutions Chapter 18 India through a Traveller’s Eyes

B. Change each of the following questions/sentences into a noun clause and complete the sentences :

Question 1.
Who are they? I don’t know.
I don’t know who they are.

Question 2.
Why is Pankaj angry? Do you know?
Do you know why Pankaj is angry?

Question 3.
When will the next meeting be held? has not been announced.
When the next meeting will be held has not been announced

Question 4.
Who am I? He doesn’t know.
He does not know who I am.

Question 5.
I don’t know where is the library?
I don’t know where the library is.

Question 6.
We wondered …… what should we do next?
We wondered what we should do next.

Question 7.
Ruby’s dream was she should have a car of her own.
Ruby’s dream was that she should have a car of her own.

Question 8.
Can he get a better job ? is not certain.
That he can get a better job is not certain.

C. Rewrite the sentences using noun clauses:

Question 1.
She was happy to have finished the work.
She was happy that she had finished the work.

Question 2.
He promised to give me the book.
He promised that he would give me the book.

Question 3.
My friend reminded me to catch the early morning train.
My friend reminded me that I should catch the early morning train.

Question 4.
It seems to have rained here.
It seems that it has rained here.

Question 5.
The teacher told us to exercise in the open.
The teacher told us that we should exercise in the open.

D. Fill in the blanks with correct relative pronouns :

1. The people………… built Stonehenge lived several thousand years ago.
2. The huge stones ……. are more than 6 meters high weigh about 45 tons.
3. The smaller stones weigh about 4 tonnes and are from an area in Wales ……… is 400 kilometers away from Stonehenge.
4. As Stonehenge lies in a large field, tourists who come to this place can already see the stones from a distance.
5. Everybody …………. has visited Stonehenge says that it is very impressive.

  1. who
  2. which
  3. which
  4. who
  5. who.

E. Arrange the following groups of words in meaningful sentences with relative clauses :

Question 1.
who makes/laugh/a clown/you/a person/is.
A person who makes you laugh is a clown.

Question 2.
an elephant/which/in hot countries/an animal/lives/is.
An animal that lives in hot countries is an elephant.

Question 3.
where/always/the sun/go to/let’s/the country/shines.
Let’s go to the country where the sun always shines.

Question 4.
I met/this morning/whom I/my friend/for ages/hadn’t seen.
I met this morning my friend whom I hadn’t seen for ages.

Question 5.
Whose roof/we live/is full of holes/in the house.
We live in the house whose roof is full of holes.

F. Complete the sentences with relative clauses in the simple present tense. Use ‘who’/‘which’

Question 1.
The tree (grow in the garden) is an apple tree.
The tree which grows in the garden is an apple tree.

Question 2.
The man (go jogging) every Friday is my neighbor.
The man who goes jogging every Friday is my neighbour.

Question 3.
The elephant (live in Africa) have big ears.
The elephant which lives in Africa has big ears.

See also  MP Board Class 12th English The Spectrum Workbook Solutions Chapter 3 AFather’s Letter

Question 4.
Turn left at the yellow building (be opposite) the post office.
Turn left at the yellow building which is opposite the post office.

G. Combine the following pairs of sentences by using relative pronouns.

Question 1.
(a) The bag was yellow.
(b) The bag contained money.
The bag which contained money was yellow.

Question 2.
(a) This is Mrs. Khan.
(b) Her son won the championship last year.
This is Mrs. Khan whose son won the championship last year.

Question 3.
(a) I was sitting in a chair.
(b) It suddenly collapsed (begin that sentence with The chair…)
The chair in which I was sitting suddenly collapsed.

Question 4.
(a) I was waiting for a man.
(b) He did not turn up. (The man…)
The man for whom I was waiting did not turn up.

Question 5.
(a) We will stay at a hotel.
(b) The hotel is not far from the beach. (The hotel…)
The hotel where we will stay is not far from the beach.

Question 6.
(a) A girl is talking to Raju.
(b) Do you know the girl?
Do you know the girl who is talking to Raju

Question 7.
(a) The boy is very nice.
(b) We met the boy yesterday.
The boy whom we met yesterday is very nice.

Reading Time

Read the following passage carefully :

Jamshedji Tata wanted to make textiles in Nagpur in the 1800s with the cotton grown there. Nagpur had no textile industry then, and in Manchester, Jamshedji was told that Nagpur’s weather was not suitable as it was too dry. He said, ‘Alright, I will bring the Manchester weather to Nagpur.’ He imported humidifiers and started India’s first textile mill in 1874.

Jamshedji started the Tata Iron and Steel Company and wanted to export steel rails to Britain. A Britisher called Sir Frederick Upcourt scoffed, “If Tatas makes steel rails to British specifications, I will undertake to eat every pound of rail that they make ”. History stands testimony to the fact that Tatas did manage to make steel rails and export them to Britain. No accounts are available about Upcourt tryst with gastric challenges. In fact, world war 11 British tanks were called Tatanagars because the steel was made in Tatanagar.

Jamshedji pursued his dreams, put together a team, raised the capital, created a product, and mainstreamed it. He did it sitting in India 125 years ago when India’s technical capabilities were far less than they are now. When you dream, surely some of it gets translated into reality. A century ago, Jamshedji took some foreign visitors to the Majestic Hotel in Mumbai but was denied entrance because he was an Indian. Jamshedji simply resolved to build a hotel that was even finer, and would not discriminate against people based on color or race.

Question 1.
Find out the words from the passage which convey the following meanings :
declaration of truth or fact—testimony of the stomach—gastric to chase or follow (a goal)—pursue to treat people with bias or prejudice—discriminate

Question 2.
What was Jamshedji told in Manchester? (2009,11)
Jamshedji was told in Manchester that Nagpur’s weather was not suitable for textiles as it was too dry.

Question 3.
How did he respond to it?
He responded to it by saying that he would bring the Manchester weather to Nagpur.

See also  MP Board Class 12th English The Spectrum Workbook Solutions Chapter 7 In the Country

Question 4.
What was Upcourt’s challenge to Tatas?
Upcourt’s challenge to Tatas was that if Tatas made steel rails to British expectations he would undertake to eat every pound of rails that they make.

Question 5.
Why were the British tanks called Tatanagars?
British tanks were called Tatanagars because the steel for them was made in Tatanagar.

Question 6.
What happens when you dream big?
When you dream big, surely some of it gets translated into reality.

Question 7.
How did Jamshedji fulfill his dreams?
Jamshedji fulfilled his dreams by putting together a team, raising the capital, creating a product, and brain streaming it.

Question 8.
Why was Jamshedji prohibited from entering the Majestic Hotel? (2010)
Jamshedji was prohibited from entering the Majestic Hotel because he was an Indian.

Question 9.
What was the result of this incident ?
The result of this was that Jamshedji resolved to build a hotel that was even finer and which would not discriminate against people based on race.

Question 10.
Give a suitable title to the passage.
Jamshedji Tata: An Enterprising Person.

Writing Time

Question 1.
Write a job application and a resume for the post of Mechanical Engineer in Indian Oil Corporation. Send your application to The Managing Director, Indian Oil Corporation, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai.
54-A Gulab Nagar,
Ratlam (M. P.).
20th May, 20…
The Managing Director,
Indian Oil Corporation,
Bandra Kurla Complex,
Sub: Application for the post of Mechanical Engineer in Indian Oil Corporation.
With reference to your advertisement in the Hindustan Times on 10th
May, 20 for the selection of Mechanical Engineer, I wish to offer myself as a candidate for the same. I am giving a brief resume of myself to enable you to asset my suitability for the post.


Name: Aman Kumar
Father’s name: Sri Surest) Kumar
Date of birth: 20th July, 19
Permanent Address: 54-A Gulab Nagar, Ratlam.

Educational Qualifications :

Year – Examination – % Marks – Board/institution
19 – Sr. Secondary Exam. – 80 – Delhi Board
20 – B.Sc. – 80 Lucknow University
20 – B. E. (Mechanical) – 90 – Lucknow Engg. College

Extra-Curricular Activities :

  • Participated in All India Inter-School Games at Pune in 19
  • Represented Lucknow University in Inter-University Cricket
  • Tournament at Mumbai in 20 ………

Work Experience :

  • Worked as Mechanical Engineer in Rashtriya Metal Industries for 4 years.
  • Working in Raymond Steel Industries for 2 years.

Salary is best drawn: 20,000 p. m.
Languages are known: English, Hindi, and Urdu.
References :

  • Sh. R. B. Sharma Principal, K. M. College, Delhi
  • 2. Sh. R. K. Kapoor. Managing Director, Ranbaxy Industrial Estate, Okhla. Attested copies of all certificates are attached herewith.

I have no doubt that my academic and technical qualifications and other achievements will make me a suitable candidate for the job.
Yours faithfully,

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