See the necessary information related to writing letters

If you have been beaten up, and want to report it to the police station, then it will have to be applied to the police station. You can complain by writing the application form yourself or reach the Direct Police Station and register your details. But the application form written by yourself is considered the best because, you can write all the information in the letter yourself, in which you get time to think and understand. If you are having trouble writing applications regarding assault, then you can use this method.

Points related to writing applications regarding assault

  • Start writing applications by entering the word “in service”.
  • After this, write the name of the concerned police station or police station in -charge, then write the address of the police station.
  • Now, in which relationship you are writing letters, enter the details of it.
  • Write your name, parents’ name, your contact details etc. in the letter.
  • After this, the time of the incident, date, stathan, with whom was beaten, his name, address, parents’ name etc.
  • Write the details of how much damage you were caused by the assault.
  • Now write details of what you want from the police regarding the incident. For example, after registering my FIR, write appropriate action on the accused etc.
  • Write your mobile number, email ID and address.
  • Sign yourself at the end of the letter. If there is someone related to the incident, then apply it with a letter and submit it.
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Wrote applications in police station regarding assault


Mr. Police Station Incharge,
Wrote the name and address of the police station

Date: ……/……/……………..

Subject: Application regarding assault


My number ………………………., Gram ………………………. I am a resident of Through this letter, I want to attract your attention to your attention…./… ../ ……… .. This assault has been done without any reason for not giving mobiles for any reason. The description of this incident is as follows:

My mobile, my neighbor whose name Ajit Kumar, father Mr. Mohan Bhagat Hai took only to call. After some time, when I asked for a mobile, he has made up his mind to give my mobile. When I added to the mobile, he called his friends and hit me with sticks, sticks and hands. On my shouting, the people nearby ran away. This incident is date …/ ……/…… .., 4 pm, at the village identity place.

Therefore, it is requested to the Mr. that by registering an FIR on the accused, take appropriate action, so that I will get proper justice, the police station does not again do such an incident. I will always be grateful for your grace. Thank you!

Name: ………………….
Address: ………………….
Mobile Number: ……………………
Signature: ……………………..

Required documents for application

  • Medical certificate of injury due to incident
  • Pelvic
  • Photo or video of the event
  • If someone has seen the incident, its name and address
  • Your name, address documents, such as Aadhaar card, PAN card, ration card, voters etc.
  • Witness

Sharansh: I hope that the information given in the post will help in writing the application. With the help of this information, you will be able to write the application form in no time. If all these information is included in the letter, then on the basis of your complaint, action will be taken on the accused. If there is any question, ask in the comment.

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