major scientist asked in the exam and its inventions / discoveries

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major scientist asked in the exam and its inventions / discoveries

Leading scientist

William Harvey (1578 – 1657) – It was the British doctors who discovered ‘blood transport’ and made experimental studies of physics and geology.

Henri Becural (1852 – 1908) – He was a French scientist. He discovered radioactivity and gamma rays.

Neil Bohr (1885 – 1962) – He was a Danish scientist who proposed a model of the structure of an atom. He received the Nobel Prize in 1922.

Jagdish Chandra Bose (1858 – 1937) – The famous physicist who demonstrated the wireless system even before Marconi. He gave many amazing performances on flora sensitivity. He founded the ‘Bose Institute’. He also invented the instrument called Crescograph.

Chandrashekhar Benkat Raman (1888 – 1970) – He received the ‘Nobel Prize’ in the field of physics in 1930 for the Raman effect. The ‘Raman Effect’ was invented by him on 28 February, in view of its importance, ‘National Science Day’ is celebrated every year on 28 February in India. He was also honored with ‘Bharat Ratna’ in 1954 and ‘Lenin Peace Prize’ in 1958.

Henry Cavendish (1731 – 1810) – These were British scientists who discovered hydrogen as an element.

Charles Robert Darwin (1809 – 1882) – He was a British scientist. His book ‘The Origin of Species’ has propounded the theory of evolution. The law of natural selection was formulated by him.

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Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) – These were German scientists of Jewish origin who later settled in America. He has proposed the theory of relativity (E = mc ‘) in 1933. He also explained the effect of light electricity. For which he received the Nobel Prize.

James Chadwick (1891 – 1974) – These were British scientists who in 1932 AD. In the creation of atoms, the atomic particle ‘neutron’ without electric charge was discovered.

Copernicus (1473 – 1543) – He was an astronomer from Poland who first stated that ‘the earth is not fixed and revolves around the Sun.

Madame Marie Curie (1867 – 1934) – She was a scientist in Poland. Later took citizenship of France. He discovered radium. Two times in 1903 AD And in 1911, Nobel Prize was received.

Birbal Sahni (1891 – 1949) – Eminent botanist, he undertook decisive research on some ‘homogeneity and structure of ferns’ under his extensive research field.

Meghnad Saha (1893 – 1956) – was a world famous scholar of physics. At the age of just 30, he was appointed to the post of Professor in Allahabad University. He has significant research in thermal ionization theory and thermodynamics. His unique work is ‘The History of Hindu Science’.

Dr. lSalim Ali (1897 – 1987) – He was a famous naturalist and bird expert. He is also called ‘Birdsman’ of India. He was awarded the Padma Vibhushan in 1976 and the ‘Conservator of Wildlife’ award in 1983.

Dr. Homi Jahangir Bhabha (1909 – 1966) – 1948 AD in India. Homi Jahangir Bhabha was the chairman of the ‘Atomic Energy Commission’. He was the founder of the Center for Nuclear Research (later Bhabha Research Center). He was also the President of the first ‘Peaceful Use of Paramnu Energy’ session organized by the United Nations. He was also the first director of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (FIFR).

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Subrahmanyam Chandrasekhar (1910 – 1995) – This American scientist of Indian origin did many remarkable research in relation to stars. In 1983 he was jointly awarded the ‘Nobel Prize in Physics’ with William Fowler. 1.4 times the mass of the Sun is called ‘Chandrasekhar Limit’.

Hargovind Khurana (1992) – He did very remarkable research on protein synthesis in genetics and discovered the ‘Genetics Code’. In 1968 he received the Nobel Prize for Medical Sciences along with his American colleagues. Satish Dhawan – Former Chairman of Indian Space Research Institute (ISRO – Bangalore). With their tireless efforts, satellites like Aryabhatta, Rohini and Apple were launched into space. He contributed to the production of supersonic and transsonic bint tunnels.

Vikram Sara Bhai (1919 – 1971) – The famous Indian scientist Vikram Sarabhai was also the chairman of Atomic Energy Commission and Indian Space Research Organization. He was instrumental in the establishment of the Physical Research Laboratory (Ahmedabad) and the Indian Institute of Management.

John Dalton (1776 – 1844) – He was a British scientist. He proposed the principle of atom. He also proposed the rule of ‘quality ratio’.

Alexander Fleming (1881 – 1955) – These were British bacteriologists who discovered lysozyme and penicillin.

Galileans (1564 – 1642) – These were Italian scientists who built telescopes and supported the ‘Theory of Copernicus’ and proposed the inertia laws of motion.

Edward Jenner (1749 – 1823) – These were English doctors who discovered smallpox vaccines.

Joseph Lister (1827 – 1912) – He was a British surgeon and he started antiseptic surgery.

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Joseph Priestley (1733 – 1804) – These were British chemists who discovered oxygen and developed a method of collecting gases.

W. C . Santzen (1845 – 1923) – These were German scientists who discovered X-rays, hence also called Röntgen Rage of X-rays.

Robert Hooke (1635 – 1703) – He first saw cells in dead plant tissue and in 1665 called them as ‘Cells’. He also studied the elasticity of substances.

Ernest Rutherford (1871 – 1937) – He was a Scottish scientist who discovered the nucleus of an atom in 1911.

Aryabhata (476 – 520) – was the famous astronomer and mathematician of ancient India, whose composition is known as ‘Aryabhatiya’. He did many important works in mathematics and astronomy. First of all, he said that ‘the earth revolves around its axis.

Originally posted 2019-12-11 11:35:00.

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