Lakhs of devotees will come from India and abroad for the Mahakumbh 2025 to be held in Prayagraj. In such a situation, it is very important to have information about railway stations to reach Sangam. There are many railway stations in Prayagraj which fall near Sangam. Some of these major stations are – Prayagraj Junction, Prayagraj Rambagh, Prayagraj Sangam, Jhunsi and Prayag.
There are different means and ways to reach Sangam from all these stations. Some stations are very close to the confluence and some are a little far away. In this article we will give detailed information about all these stations and tell which station is nearest to Sangam. We will also explain the location of these stations and the route to the confluence through the map.
Nearest railway station to Sangam
The nearest railway station to Sangam is Prayagraj Sangam. This station is just 1-2 kilometers away from Sangam. After this come Prayag station and Jhunsi station which are 4-5 kilometers away from Sangam. Prayagraj Rambagh and Prayagraj Junction stations are located a short distance from Sangam at a distance of 8-10 kilometres.
Overview of stations near Sangam
station name | distance from confluence | number of platforms |
Prayagraj Sangam | 1-2km | 3 |
Prayag | 4-5km | 3 |
Jhunsi | 4-5km | 3 |
Prayagraj Rambagh | 8-9km | 6 |
Prayagraj Junction | 9-10km | 10 |
nanny | 12-13km | 4 |
Prayagraj Sangam Railway Station
Prayagraj Sangam railway station is located nearest to Sangam. This station was earlier known as Daraganj or Prayag Ghat. The confluence is only 1-2 kilometers away from here. There are 3 platforms at this station and many trains pass through here.
Features of Prayagraj Sangam Station:
- Nearest station to Sangam
- 3 platforms
- Auto and e-rickshaw facility
- food shops
- Ticket Counter and Waiting Room
- Special arrangements during Mahakumbh
To reach Sangam from this station you can walk, auto or use e-rickshaw. It will take 15-20 minutes to go on foot.
Prayag Railway Station
Prayag Railway Station is also located very close to Sangam. This station is at a distance of about 4-5 kilometers from Sangam. Autos and e-rickshaws are easily available to reach Sangam from here.
Highlights of Prayag Station:
- 3 platforms
- Ticket counter and waiting area
- food shops
- Auto and E-Rickshaw Stand
- Distance of 4-5 km from Sangam
It takes 10-15 minutes by auto to reach Sangam from this station. During the Kumbh Mela, a special bus service is also run from here to Sangam.
Jhunsi Railway Station
Jhunsi railway station is also located at a distance of about 4-5 kilometers from Sangam. This station is on the northern bank of river Ganga. To reach Sangam from here one has to first cross the river Ganga.
Important information about Jhunsi station:
- 3 platforms
- Ticket Counter and Waiting Room
- food shops
- Auto and e-rickshaw facility
- Distance of 4-5 km from Sangam
To reach Sangam from Jhunsi station, one has to first cross the Ganga river through New Yamuna Bridge. Then from there you can reach Sangam by auto or e-rickshaw. Total time taken is 20-25 minutes.
Prayagraj Rambagh Railway Station
Prayagraj Rambagh Railway Station was earlier known as Allahabad City Station. This station is located at a distance of about 8-9 kilometers from Sangam. It is a big station where many trains pass through.
Features of Rambagh Station:
- 6 platforms
- equipped with modern facilities
- Food Court and Retiring Room
- Taxi and Auto Stand
- Distance of 8-9 km from Sangam
Auto, e-rickshaw or taxi can be used to reach Sangam from Rambagh station. It takes 25-30 minutes to reach Sangam from here.
Prayagraj Junction
Prayagraj Junction is the main station of North Central Railway. It is situated at a distance of about 9-10 kilometers from Sangam. This is the biggest station from where trains from all over the country pass.
Highlights of Prayagraj Junction:
- 10 platforms
- state-of-the-art facilities
- Food Court and Retiring Room
- Taxi, Auto and Bus Stand
- Distance of 9-10 km from Sangam
Taxi, auto or bus can be used to reach Sangam from Prayagraj Junction. It takes 30-35 minutes to reach Sangam from here.
Tips to reach Sangam
- First book the train as per your travel date
- Try to get down at the nearest station to Sangam
- Ask the rate of auto or e-rickshaw as soon as you get down at the station.
- Use share auto during rush hour
- Save the location of Sangam on Google Map
- seek help from local people
Special arrangements for Mahakumbh 2025
Special arrangements will be made at all the railway stations of Prayagraj during Mahakumbh 2025. These include:
- Operation of additional trains
- Increase in passenger facilities at stations
- Special bus service to reach Sangam
- Establishment of help desks at stations
- increased security arrangements
Other means of reaching Sangam
Apart from railways, there are some other means of reaching Sangam:
- Bus: Regular bus service is available to Sangam from Civil Lines Bus Stand, Prayagraj.
- Taxi: One can directly reach Sangam by taking a taxi from any part of the city.
- Auto: Autos are available across the city which will take you to Sangam.
- E-Rickshaw: Eco-friendly e-rickshaws are also a good option to reach Sangam.
Major places around Sangam
There are also some other important sites around the Sangam that you can visit:
- Akshayavat
- Patal Puri Temple
- Allapur Fort
- Khusro Bagh
- Anand Bhavan
You can use local auto or e-rickshaw to reach these places.
This article has been written for information purposes only. Distance of stations and journey time are approximate and may change as per actual conditions. Please contact the official website or helpline of Railways for latest information before travelling. Special arrangements and rules may be in place during Mahakumbh 2025, so be sure to get updated information.