WhatsApp has become very important in today’s time, which includes sharing photos, videos and documents along with messaging and calling. Now that so much information resides together in one place, it is very important to keep a backup. If you are planning to change the device then this is even more important. Backing up your chat history is easy. You’ll need a Google Account to store your backups in the cloud. If you are finding this process difficult then you do not need to worry, because here we are telling you in detail about the step by step process to backup WhatsApp data.
How to backup data on WhatsApp:
First of all you have to open WhatsApp on your phone.
After that you have to go to Settings.
After going to settings, you have to go to the chat section.
Now you have to tap on Chat Backup.
Now you have to click on Chat Backing Up, here you can select your Google account where you want the backup.
After doing this, your chat has now started uploading to the cloud. After the backup is complete, you can login to your WhatsApp account on the device you are switching to. Here you will get the option of Search for Backup and then tap on Restore Backup. Once all this is done, your entire chat history including media files has been restored to your new device.