How many SIMs are active in your name, check at home and switch off fake SIMs immediately.

How many SIMs in your name: How many SIM cards are active in your name with your Aadhaar card? Now you can get this information sitting at home and that too from your mobile. In recent years, Aadhaar card has become an important part of identity for Indian citizens, Aadhaar card has become necessary for every work, but the cases of fraud have also increased significantly. To ensure that you do not lose your hard-earned money, in this article we will give you information on how to check fake SIM cards running in your name, or how to get them stopped.

How many SIMs is your name?

Aadhaar card, a 12-digit unique identification number linked to an individual’s biometric and demographic information, is used for everything from bank accounts to government schemes. Additionally, Aadhaar is commonly used on mobile phones for verification and convenience. Is linked to phone numbers. For this you need to know that your personal information remains under control.

How many SIMs in your name:

Linking Aadhaar with mobile phone numbers has improved security and made access to various services easier, but it has also raised concerns regarding privacy and security. To address these concerns, the Government of India and the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) have implemented several measures, including linking Aadhaar with mobile numbers. This is an essential step to verify the authenticity of mobile customers and to stop the use of fake or unauthorized SIM cards.

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The need to limit the number of SIM cards:

One of the primary reasons for linking Aadhaar to mobile numbers is to limit the number of SIM cards a person can have. This has been done to prevent fraudulent and illegal activities that can be facilitated through unverified SIM cards. By linking Aadhaar to mobile numbers, the government and telecom providers can ensure that each person has a limited number of SIM cards in their name.

How to Check the Number of SIM Cards Linked to Your Aadhaar:

To know how many SIM cards are running on your Aadhaar, you can check by following the process given below:-

  • First of all open the official website of TAFCOP
  • Enter your mobile number in the box available on the home page.
  • After this click on the option of Request OTP.
  • Now you will receive an OTP on your mobile number.
  • Enter OTP and click on submit.
  • Now the list of mobile numbers linked to your Aadhar card will be shown on your screen.
  • Please note, this facility has not yet been launched for the entire country. If it is not available for your location, please wait for a while.

Block sitting at home and deactivate Will be able to get number:

If any fake SIM card is running in your name or there is any number which is not active then you can get it stopped immediately. Fake SIM card running in your name can be very harmful for you, so please check once by following the above steps.

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To block a number, you will have to go to the consumer portal and lodge a report about that number, after which the telecom company will block or deactivate that number. You will also be provided with a complaint ID with the help of which they will be able to track the status of their registered complaint.

Aapke Name Kitni SIM check: click here


The Aadhaar card has significantly improved the way you access services and verify your identity and linking it to mobile phone numbers has increased security. By checking the number of SIM cards linked to your Aadhaar card, you can ensure that your information is not being misused and that you have control over your identity.

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