How to convert Hectare to Biswa and Bigha? Learn the easy way!

There are many different units used to measure land in India. Some of these major units are hectare, acre, biswa and bigha. Although the use of hectare is common internationally, traditional units such as biswa and bigha are still used in many parts of India. Therefore sometimes there may be a need to convert hectare into Biswa or Bigha.

In this article we will learn how to convert hectare into Biswa and Bigha. We will also give detailed information about these units and also share some useful tips. Whether you are a farmer, a land buyer or a student, this information will prove very useful for you.

Introduction to Hectare, Biswa and Bigha

It is important to know about these three units:

Hectare: It is an international unit of measuring land. 1 hectare = 10,000 square meters

Biswa: This is a traditional unit prevalent in North India. Its value may vary slightly in different states.

Bigha: This is also a traditional unit which is prevalent in many states. Its value also varies according to the region.

Comparative Overview of Hectare, Biswa and Bigha

Unit Area (in square metres) use area
hectare 10,000 internationally
Biswa (Uttar Pradesh) 125.4 Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand
Biswa (Haryana) 103.2 Haryana
Bigha (West Bengal) 1,337.8 west bengal
Bigha (Rajasthan) 2,529 Rajasthan
Bigha (Bihar) 6,772.63 Bihar
Bigha (Madhya Pradesh) 2,500 Madhya Pradesh

How to convert Hectare to Biswa?

To convert Hectare to Biswa, you first need to know which state’s Biswa unit you are using. Here we will give the conversion formula for Uttar Pradesh and Haryana:

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For Uttar Pradesh:

1 hectare = 79.74 biswa

Conversion Formula:

Biswa = hectare × 79.74

Example: If you have 2.5 hectares of land, to convert it into Biswa:

2.5 × 79.74 = 199.35 biswa

For Haryana:

1 hectare = 96.9 biswa

Conversion Formula:

Biswa = hectare × 96.9

Example: If you have 3 hectares of land, to convert it into Biswa:

3 × 96.9 = 290.7 biswa

How to convert Hectare to Bigha?

The value of Bigha also varies in different states. Here we will give the conversion formula for some major states:

For West Bengal:

1 hectare = 7.47 bigha

Conversion Formula:

Bigha = hectare × 7.47

Example: If you have 5 hectares of land, to convert it into Bigha:

5 × 7.47 = 37.35 bigha

For Rajasthan:

1 hectare = 3.95 bigha

Conversion Formula:

Bigha = hectare × 3.95

Example: If you have 4 hectares of land, to convert it into Bigha:

4 × 3.95 = 15.8 bigha

For Bihar:

1 hectare = 1.47 bigha

Conversion Formula:

Bigha = hectare × 1.47

Example: If you have 6 hectares of land, to convert it into Bigha:

6 × 1.47 = 8.82 bigha

Tips for easy conversion between Hectare, Biswa and Bigha

  1. Use an online calculator: There are many calculators available on the internet that can help you convert hectares to biswa or bigha.
  2. Mobile Apps: There are also some mobile apps that help in converting between different ground measuring units.
  3. Make a conversion chart: Make a small conversion chart for your state and keep it with you.
  4. Practice: Practice these conversions regularly so that you can remember them easily.
  5. Know the local standards: Understand the standards prevalent in your area.
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Areas using Hectare, Biswa and Bigha

These units are used in various fields:

  1. Agriculture: Farmers use these units to measure their land.
  2. Real Estate: These units are used to buy and sell property.
  3. Government Records: These units are used in government documents related to land.
  4. Forest area: These units are also used to measure forests and protected areas.
  5. Urban Planning: These units are also used in planning cities.

Understanding the difference between Hectare, Biswa and Bigha

There are some important differences between these three units:

  1. Standardization: Hectare is a standardized unit, whereas the value of Biswa and Bigha may vary from region to region.
  2. International recognition: Hectare is recognized internationally, while Biswa and Bigha are prevalent mainly in India.
  3. Accuracy: Hectare is a more precise unit, whereas Biswa and Bigha may have a slight uncertainty.
  4. Scope of use: Hectare is used scientifically and internationally, while Biswa and Bigha are used mainly at the local level.

History and importance of Hectare, Biswa and Bigha

These units have a long and interesting history:

  1. Hectare: This unit came into existence in 1795 during the French Revolution. Its objective was to establish a simple and scientific measurement system.
  2. Biswa: This is an ancient Indian unit that has been in use since the Mughal period. Its name comes from the Sanskrit word ‘vinshati’, which means twenty.
  3. Bigha: This is also an ancient Indian unit that has been in use for many centuries. It is also mentioned in ancient Indian texts.

Importance of these units:

  • These units form an important part of India’s agricultural and land management tradition.
  • Their use is easily understood in local communities.
  • These units reflect the diversity and rich culture of India.
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This article is for informational purposes only. Although we have attempted to provide accurate information, some values ​​may vary due to regional variations and changes over time. Please do not solely rely on this information in any important transaction or legal matter. Always consult local authorities or professional surveyors for accurate measurements. The author or publisher will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by the use of this information.

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