Hello friends ! In this article, we are going to talk about the development and development of computers. Here all the generations related to the development of computers and the way in which the development of computers can be divided. A detailed analysis of all of them is tried in brief terms. Hope you will like this article and the information will be very interesting. Read this article till the end and get answers to all the questions related to the emergence and development of computers. So let’s start (हिंदी में पढ़े)
How did computers develop
1. The Abacus
It is an ancient calculating device that was invented to calculate digits in ancient Babylonian. It is called the first calculator of the world. In this, spheres are beaded into wires, with the help of which calculation is made easy.
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The abacus |
2 . Pascaline
In 1642, the French mathematician Blaise Pascal invented the first mechanical calculating machine. It could only add and subtract. Hence, it was also called Adding Machine.
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Pascaline |
3. Difference Engine And Analytical Engine
In 1822, the British mathematician Charles Babbage invented the differential engine which could run with steam and make calculations. In 1842, Charles Bavage created an automated machine analytical engine that worked according to punchcard guidelines and could perform basic arithmetic calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). Lady Ada Augusta inserted the first program into the analytical engine. Hence, he is also called the world’s first programmer. He is also credited with the invention of the two-digit number system binary system.
Extra Facts
Charles Babbage has been called the ‘Father of Modem Computers’ for his contribution in the field of computers.
4 . Census Tabulator
In 1890, the American scientist Herman Hollerith invented this electrically powered device which was used in the US census. He is also credited with the invention of the Punch Card as a memory for the application of computers. A punchcard is a card made of paper in which the punch used to store computer data and programs by making holes. The data stored on the punchcard was read by the punchcard reader. Punchcards were used to control textile weaving machines in the textile industry before storing data for computers.
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Censor tabulator |
5. Marc – 1
Between 1937 and 1944, the world’s first fully automated electro-mechanical calculating machine was invented under the cooperation of IBM (International Businees Machine) and under the direction of scientist Howard Aikan. It was named Mark-1.
6. ABC – Atanasoff – Berry Computer
In 1939, scientists named John Etanasoff and Clifford Berry invented the world’s first ‘electronic digital computer’ (Electronic Digital Computer). It was named after him ABC.
7. ENIAC – Electronic numerical Integrator and Calculater
In 1946 American scientist J.J. P. Eckert (J.PEckert) and John Mauchly invented the first fully electronic computer for common tasks, which was named ENIAC.
8 . EDVAC – Electronic discreteness Automatic Computer
Program change was difficult in the Eniac computer. To deal with this, Van Neumann conceptualized the stored program Stored Program and developed Idvac. Do you know ? Dr. America of America contributed most to the development of modern computers. Belongs to Van Neumann. They are credited with storing both data and instructions in a binary system (0 and 1).
9. UNIVAC – Universal Automatic Computer
It was the first computer used for commercial and other general purposes. The first commercial computer Univac I was built in 1954 by GEC – General Electric Corporation.
10 . Micro Processor
The creation of the first micro processor “Intel 4004” by the Intel company in 1970 revolutionized the computer sector. This made possible the creation of small computers which were called Microcomputers. Intel, Pentium, Celeron and AMD are currently some of the leading micro processor manufacturing brands.
11 . Apple – II
The first business microcomputer was built in 1977, named Apple-II.
Classification of Developmnt of Computer
Classification of computers can be done as follows.
Depending on hardware usage
(1) First generation
(ii) Second generation
(iii) Third generation
(iv) Fourth generation
(v) Fifth generation
(vi) Next generation
Depending on computer working methods
(i) Analog computer
(ii) Digital computer
(iii) Hybrid computer
Depending on computer size and function
(i) Main Frame Computer
(ii) Mini Computer
(iii) Microcomputer
(iv) Supercomputer
Various Info Conclusion
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