Essay on Mother Teresa in English (with biography).

Friends, in today’s article we will give you complete information about the Mother Teresa essay in simple language, here you will get 1200 words essay on Mother Teresa, so read this article very carefully. Will prove useful to you.

Mother Teresa was God in the form of a human being, she taught the lesson of humanity to the whole society, she told all the people about the religion of humanity, she adopted the religion of humanity above all religions and told people about the religion of humanity. Mother Teresa devoted her whole life to human welfare

Essay on Mother Teresa in Hindi -  (biography)

At a very young age, she understood the suffering of people and started trying to redress them, whenever Mother Teresa’s name comes, we feel mother because she was the mother of every needy. Helped a class. Mother Teresa was the mother of every human in the world.

He always helped the needy and the people in trouble, he devoted his whole life to solve the problems of people and for the betterment of the people, the biggest religion for him was the religion of humanity, he loved the world and people Taught the religion of humanity. He inspired people to help each other.


Mother Teresa came to India and adopted the whole of India and started solving the problems of the people here as her own problem and devoted her whole life to the service of the people of the country. Mother Teresa was not born in India but she gave a lot to India and today people of India worship like their mother.

Mother Teresa did a lot of work in India during the twentieth century, she helped every section of India. Mother Teresa taught the world how to live in a new way, changed people’s attitudes, and made the religion of humanity the most important religion.

Biography of Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was born on 26 August 1910 in Macedonia, then a state under the Ottoman Empire. Her real name was Agnes Gonza Boyajiju. Mother Teresa’s father’s name was Nicola Boyaju, he was a businessman. Mother Teresa was the youngest of her five siblings and her name means flower bud.

Mother Teresa was the bud of such a flower which illuminated the whole world, she taught the religion of humanity to the whole world and today this flower teaches the lesson of humanity to the whole world. Mother Teresa’s mother’s name was Drana Boyaju. When Mother Teresa was 8 years old, her father died and the responsibility of all the children fell on her mother.

She was the youngest of her five siblings. Mother Teresa was very hardworking and hardworking since childhood, she worked hard throughout her life and helped people. It was determined that she would devote her whole life to human service, for this she went to the island and learned the English language there because only then you could learn the English language and come to India and teach.

Mother Teresa’s arrival in India

Mother Teresa had come to India from the island on 26 January 1929, where she had come as a teacher at the Loreto Convent and was working as a teacher. Once she was going somewhere else from Kolkata when she saw the plight of the poor and downtrodden people living in the slums of Kolkata.

The same scene broke his heart completely and he devoted his whole life to help these people, from that day he devoted his whole life to helping such people.

Mother Teresa was disturbed to see the poor and downtrodden people living in India, she decided that she would devote her whole life to helping the poor and downtrodden and the people in trouble. He renounced everything and adopted the religion of asceticism and started helping people.

He gave up all his traditional clothes and wore a blue striped sari and after that, he got involved in the whole social welfare work. He treated the leprosy patients of India as his own children. He preached that leprosy was transmitted through touch. It is not a disease, he resolved to fight diseases like discrimination, untouchability in India and made people aware of it, he inspired people to love each other.

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Even after all this, he took training of nurse to help people, he got this training from Patna that when he came back to Kolkata in 1948, he opened a school to teach children because at this time it was only 1 year that our The country got freedom. And the British had completely ruined our country.

We had a basic education policy and people were not even getting good contracts Mother Teresa fought with all these things and motivated people to help each other.

He later founded a charity college named Missionaries of Charity. The charity received the status of the Roman Catholic Church on 7 October 1950, today the organization is spread all over the world and helps to provide education to poor people and sick people, and children of poor people.

Mother Teresa believed that “the hunger for love is greater than the hunger for bread”. That’s why he told the people that we will give love to our people and take them forward, only then we will serve humanity in the true sense, the work of service is difficult and full cooperation is needed to do this work.

Unless you have full cooperation, you are not able to do this work well, we should feed people, give food to the homeless and help the poor, this is the work of service, only then our country will progress.


Mother Teresa’s work was great. He did God’s work for society. Mother Teresa was honored with many honors for these works. At Visva-Bharati University, he was awarded the title of Desikottam, the highest degree conferred by him.

He was awarded a doctorate at the Catholic University of America. In India, he was given the Padma Shri award in 1962. Apart from this, he was given many more awards in India and after that, he was also awarded Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian honor, his work was above all.

He considered India more than his home and served the people here sincerely and always helped the poor and sad and downtrodden people, he helped some of the patients most and made people aware of leprosy.

US President Ronald Reagan honored Mother Teresa with the Presidential Medal of Freedom Mother Teresa was awarded the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Peace and International Relations. Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1979.

Mother Teresa was canonized by Pope Francis on 9 September 2016 in Vatican City.

Mother Teresa’s death

Mother Teresa died on 5th September 1997 due to a heart attack, this day was a very bad day for the whole society because on this day we lost our mother Mother Teresa always worked for every needy and downtrodden people. carried forward.

She understood the sufferings and problems of the people as her pain, always worked for their redress, the only purpose of her life was human service and she said that there is no better service than human service, if you want to get God. Only if human beings do service, will they be able to approach God.

We should learn from the life of Mother Teresa that we should keep on helping our people, should also help the needy people, we should help the people around us and always spread love and harmony in our society.

Mother Teresa Essay : Mother Teresa, the goddess of mercy, the mother of the poor and the icon of humanity, was such a saintly woman through whom we could see the divine light. He had spent his life serving the despised, helpless, oppressed, poor and vulnerable.

Mother Teresa Essay ( 100 in words )

Mother Teresa was a great woman and “one woman, one mission” who took a big step to change the world. She was born on 26 August 1910 in Macedonia as Agnes Gonza Boyajiju. She moved to Kolkata at the age of 18 and continued her life’s mission of serving the poor people.

He helped the poor people of Kolkata suffering from leprosy. He assured them that it is not a contagious disease and cannot be transmitted to any other person. Mother Teresa helped him build a colony with his help in Titagarh.

Mother Teresa Essay In Hindi ( in 150 words )

Mother Teresa was a great lady who devoted her whole life to helping the poor and needy people. He was born on 26 August 1910 in Macedonia. Her name at the time of her birth was Agnes Gonza Boyajiju. Mother Teresa had unwavering faith in God and humanity.

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She had spent most of her life in the church, but she never thought that she would one day become a nun. She later joined the Loreto Sisters in Dublin, where she was named Mother Teresa after Saint Teresa of Lisius.

For his outstanding service to mankind, he was awarded the title of ‘Saint’ in September 2016, which has been officially confirmed by the Vatican. He completed his work in Dublin and moved to Kolkata, India, where he devoted his entire life to the service of the needy and poor. He worked very hard to educate the poor people of those areas.

Mother Teresa Essay ( in 200 words )

Mother Teresa was a great and wonderful woman. She was a person who showed this world the true religion of humanity. He was born in Macedonia, but chose to serve the poor people of India. She was full of love, service and sympathy for mankind. She always believed in working hard to help God and people.

She was involved in solving the social and health related issues of the poor people. He was born into a very affluent family that believed in Catholic beliefs and was raised over generations from his parents.

She was a very disciplined woman who aspired to attain God by helping the poor and needy people. Every act of his life was revolving around God. She was very close to God and never stopped praying. She believed that prayer was an important part of her life, she would spend hours in it.

He had a deep faith in God. He had neither much money nor money, but he had concentration, faith and energy which helped him happily in helping poor people.

Mother Teresa Essay ( in 250 words)

Mother Teresa was a great woman who is always admired and respected by people all over the world for her amazing works and achievements. She was a woman who inspired many people to do impossible things in their life. She has always remained an inspiration to all of us.

This world is full of great people, but everyone needs a motivation to move forward. Mother Teresa was a unique figure who stood out from the crowd.

Mother Teresa was born on 26 August 1910 in Macedonia. After birth, her real name was Agnes Gonza Boyajiju, but after her great works and achievements in life, the world knew her by a new name, Mother Teresa. Like a mother, she devoted her whole life in the service of the poor and sick.

She was the youngest child of her parents. She was greatly inspired by the philanthropy of her parents, who always helped the needy people of the society. His mother was a simple housewife while his father was a businessman. After his father’s death due to his involvement in politics, the financial condition of his family started deteriorating.

In such a situation, the church became very important for the survival of his family. At the age of 18, he realized that he had been invited by religious life and then joined the Loreto Sisterhood of Dublin. This is how he started his religious life to help the poor people.

Mother Teresa Essay ( in 350 words )

Mother Teresa was a very religious and famous woman who was also known as “Saint of Calcutta”. She was a great personality of the whole world. She displayed herself before us as a true mother by providing philanthropic service of complete devotion and love to the needy and poor people of Indian society.

For his outstanding service to mankind, he was awarded the title of ‘Saint’ in September 2016, which has been officially confirmed by the Vatican. At birth she was named Agnes Gonza Boyajiju, who later in life became famous as Mother Teresa after her great deeds and achievements.

He was born on 26 August 1910 in Sopje, Macedonia to a religious Catholic family. Mother Teresa had decided to become a nun in her early days. In 1928 she joined an ashram and then came to India.

Once, when she was returning from a trip, she was shocked and shocked to see the plight of the slum dwellers in Kolkata. This incident disturbed her a lot and she could not sleep for many nights. She began to think of ways to appease the suffering people in the slum. She was well aware of her social restrictions, so she started praying to God for the right direction and direction.

On 10 September 1937 Mother Teresa received the message of God (helping the needy by leaving the ashram) on her way to Darjeeling. After this she never looked back and started helping the poor. She decided to wear a white saree with a simple blue border.

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Soon, young girls joined his group to provide compassionate assistance to the suffering people of the poor community. Mother Teresa was planning to form a dedicated group of sisters who would always be ready to serve the poor under any circumstances. The group of dedicated sisters later became known as the “Missionaries of Charity”.


Mother Teresa Essay ( in 500 words )

Mother Teresa was a great personality who dedicated her whole life in the service of the poor. He is famous all over the world for his good deeds. She will always be in our hearts because she was like a true mother. She was a great legend and is recognized as a symbol of sympathy and service to our times.

She used to wear a white saree with a blue border. She always considered herself a dedicated servant of God, who was sent to the earth to serve the poor, helpless and suffering people of the slum society. He always had a generous smile on his face.

She was born on 26 August 1910 in Sopje, Republic of Macedonia and was named Agnes Gonza Boyajiju by her parents at birth. She was the youngest child of her parents. After the death of his father at an early age, his entire family was struggling with poor financial condition.

She started helping her mother with charity work in the church. She was a woman of deep faith, faith in God. Mother Teresa thanked God for everything she found and lost in her life from her early life. At an early age she decided to become a nun and soon joined the Lareto of Nuns in Ireland. In his later life, he served for many years as a teacher in the field of education in India.

She began her life as an initiator at the newly educated Loreto in Darjeeling, where Mother Teresa chose to learn English and Bengali, hence she is also known as Bengali Teresa. She then returned to Kolkata, where she taught geography at St. Mary’s School. Once, while she was on her way, she noticed the plight of the people living in the Motijheel slum.

He got a message from God while going to Darjeeling by train, to help the needy. Soon, he left the ashram and started helping the poor people of that slum. Despite being a European woman, she always wore a very cheap saree.

Early in his teacher life, he gathered some poor children and started writing Bengali letters with a stick on the ground. Soon he was encouraged by some teachers for his great service and was provided with a blackboard and a chair. Soon, school became a reality.

Later, he established a hospital and a peaceful home, where the poor could get their treatment and accommodation. She soon became famous as a messiah among the poor for her great works. In September 2016, he was awarded the title of saint for his outstanding service to mankind, which has been officially confirmed by the Vatican.

He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian honour, in 1980.

I hope that Essay on Mother Teresa in simple language has given complete information about Essay on Mother Teresa in Hindi, so if you liked this article then share it with your friends.

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