Rajasthan government girl students will have to apply for free scooty online through the scheme

Devnarayan scooty yojana: Various types of schemes are being run for women among the students on behalf of the Central Government and State Governments. Due to this, the Rajasthan government has started a new scheme for the students. Name of this scheme of Rajasthan government Devnarayan Scooty Scheme Is. Under this scheme, scooty will be distributed free of cost to the students of the state. The students who have to go to far-flung areas for studies will be able to take advantage of this scheme. She will be able to easily take her education by taking advantage of the scheme.

Free scooty giving Rajasthan government students

The benefits of Rajasthan Devnarayan Scooty Scheme will be available to some elected castes of Rajasthan, including Banjara, Baldia, Labana, Gadia -Lauhar, Gadolia, Gujar, Gurjar, Raika, Rabari and Gadaria, Gaeri. The benefit of the scheme will be given only to those eligible students who will have 50 percent or more marks in 12th standard. In the list of selected girl students, the first 1,500 students will be given free scooty under the scheme. The remaining students will be given scholarships per year in graduation first, second and third year.To take advantage of the scheme continuously, it is mandatory for the student to bring minimum 50 percent marks in every year of graduation.

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Application for the plan will have to be done through online medium

The girl students whose annual income of the family will be more than Rs 2,50,000/- will not be eligible to take advantage of the Devanarayan student scooty scheme of the Rajasthan government. To take advantage of this scheme, students have to apply online through online medium. We will give you complete information here how you will be able to apply in this scheme and take advantage of the scheme.

Eligibility required to take advantage of the scheme

  • The student should be a native of Rajasthan.
  • The student should be related to the most backward class ethnic category.
  • The student should be a student of regular courses in the state college/ university.
  • The annual income of the girl’s family should be less than 2,50,000 /-.
  • Married, unmarried, widow and abandoned student will be eligible to take advantage of the scheme.
  • On taking advantage of the scheme, the girl cannot apply for any other scholarship.
  • There should not be a gap between 12th and undergraduate and graduation and postgraduate, otherwise the scheme will not be taken advantage of.
फ्री मोबाइल फ़ोन योजना फॉर्म

Documents required for the scheme

  • Self-attested copy of receipt of entry fee in Government College/ University.
  • Last year, self-attested copy of the exam table.
  • Basic address proof
  • Caste certificate
  • Income certificate (not older than six months)
  • Passbook of student’s bank account.
  • Aadhar card
  • Jan Aadhaar Card
  • Affidavit that the beneficiary is not receiving any other scholarship
  • Mobile number

How to apply under the scheme

  • Students first to take advantage of this scheme of Rajasthan government SSO portal It has to be registered.
  • Now the public Aadhaar number will have to be entered here.
  • After putting it, OTP will come on the registered mobile number.
  • After the verification of OTP, the portal will send the username and password to the girl’s mobile number through SMS.
  • After getting the username or SSOID and password, the student will have to login to the SSO portal.
  • After login, the student has to choose the scholarship section.
  • After that the student has to be selected.
  • After selecting the student, the student will have to update all the information in her profile.
  • After that the student will have to click on New Application.
  • Now the student will have to enter all the necessary information.
  • After that all the documents demanded will have to be uploaded.
  • Your application will be examined by the department officials.
  • After verification, the list of eligible girl students will be made.
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