Defination Of Computer And Its Brief features.

Defination Of Computer And Its Brief features.

Computer is such an electrical equipment that analyzes the given instructions and after analysis provides the result (output) “Computer is an electronic machine that accepts data and instructions as input, analyzes them and performs the necessary The results are received in the form of ‘Output’ in the prescribed format”.It is mainly called the confluence of calculator, typewriter and television.

Input >> Process >> Output

What is a computer and features of a computer 

Often people think that computer is like an almighty superman, but it is not so.  It is only an automatic electronic machine which works at high speed and does not make any mistake.  Its capacity is limited.  It is derived from the English word compute which means to calculate.  In Hindi it is called computer. It is used to process and collect a lot of information. 

Computer is a device that receives data and processes it according to software or program to produce some result.  Computer is called artificial intelligence.  Its memory power is higher than that of humans.

Elementary words relating to computer

1. Data : It is a disorganized data or fact.  This is the pre-process stage. Usually the data is divided into two parts.
( a ) Numerical Data : In this type of data, numbers from 0 to 9 are used, such as salary of employees, marks obtained in examination, census, roll no. arithmetic – numbers etc.
( b ) Alphanumeric Data : In this type of data, numbers, letters and symbols are used, such as address etc.
2. Information : It is the result obtained after processing unstructured data which is organized.

Following are the brief characteristics of computer

1. Speed – It can perform instructions function many times faster than human.

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2. Accuracy – The results obtained by this are absolutely accurate if the instructions are given properly in it.

3. Multi purpose – It can be used in various fields like medical field, business sector etc.

4. High Storage Capability – It can compile a large amount of Notifications with itself and if required, the said Notifications can be easily obtained from the computer.

5. No sense – Since it is a machine, it does not work according to the feelings.

6. Privacy – It can be made confidential by password.

7. self drive – Being automated the chances of human intervention are negligible and transparency is maintained.

8. Competence – A computer can do a task millions of times without stopping.

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