Classification of computer development based on working method

कार्य पद्धति के आधार पर कम्प्यूटर के विकास का वर्गीकरण ( Classification of computer development based on working method )

The development of computers is classified as follows on the basis of working method .

( i ) Analog computer

( ii ) Digital computer

( iii ) Hybrid computer

Depending on the technology, computers can be divided into three types.

( i ) Analog Computer : 

Physical quantities that change continuously over time are called analog amounts. Such as temperature, pressure, electric voltage etc.  

In an analog computer, data is represented as a constantly changing amount. Analog computer speeds are extremely slow. 

These types of computers are now out of circulation. A simple clock, speedo meter, voltmeter, etc. are examples of analog computing.

एनालॉग कम्प्यूटर ( Analog Computer )

( ii ) Digital Computer : 

They run on electronic signals and the binary numeral method (Binary System – 0 or 1) is used for calculation.  

In a digital computer, data is represented in binary form (0 or 1). Their speed is fast. 

Most of the computers currently in use are of this type. In this, data are represented as electronic pulse.

डिजिटल कम्प्यूटर ( Digital Computer ) :

( iii ) Hybrid Computer : 

It is a mixed form of digital and analog computer.  It uses digital form for calculation and processing, while input and output use analog signals.  

Such computers are used in hospitals, defense sector and science etc.

हाइब्रिड कम्प्यूटर ( Hybrid Computer ) :

What are the differences between analog and digital computers :

  • Analog computers have lower processing speeds, while digital computers have significantly higher processing speeds.
  • Analog computers are quite large in size due to which they are very difficult to use whereas digital computers are built on microprocessor chips and take up only a few millimeters of square space, due to which one can easily use them.
  • Analog computers are more expensive than digital computers.
  • In analog computers, the capacity to store data is very low whereas in digital computers the capacities are very high.
  • Analog computers depend on physical quantities for any task whereas digital computers do not depend on physical quantities.
  • Analog computers are less reliable while digital computers are more reliable.
  • Nice is found in analog computers, due to which answers are not accurate, digital computers also have nice but this does not make any difference on the answer.
  • Analog computers have no fixed state while digital computers depend on two states on or off.
See also  What Is The Principles of Computing.

Various Info Conclusion

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Originally posted 2021-02-04 11:11:00.

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