Brief history of development of computer

Brief history of computer development 

Brief history of development of computer

Hello friends, in this article today we are going to tell you a brief history of computer development.  So let’s start.

1623 AD: German mathematician Wilhelm Schikard developed the first mechanical calculator.  This calculator was capable of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.

1642 AD: French mathematician Blaise Pascal invented the addition and subtraction machine.

1801 AD: French scientist JosephMarie Jaccard demonstrated the new control system for the loom (loom).  He programmed the loom, which made it possible to order the machine to have a weaving operation through a pattern of holes in paper cards.

1833-71 AD: British mathematician and scientist Charles Babbage built an ‘analytical engine’ using the Jacquard punch-card system.  It can be considered the precursor to the current computers.  Babbage’s thinking was much ahead of his era and his invention was not given much importance.

1889 AD: American engineer Herman Hollerith patented the ‘Electro Mechanical Punch Card Tabulating System’, which made it possible to work on huge amounts of statistical data.  This machine was used in the US census.

1941 AD: German engineer Könardse invented the first fully functional digital computer Z3 that could be controlled by the program.  The Z3 was not an electronic computer.  It was based on electrical switches called relays.

1942 AD: Iowa State College physicist John Vincent Attanasoff and his colleague Clifferberry created a functional model of the first fully electronic computer using vacuum tubes.  It could work faster than relay.  This early computer was not programmable.

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1944 AD: Professor Howard Aiken of IBM and Harvard University built the first large scale automatic digital computer ‘Mark-1’.  This relay based machine was 55 feet long and 8 feet high.

1943 AD: British scientists built the electronic computer ‘Colossus’ during World War II to break German codes.

1946 AD: Physicist John Mauchly and engineer J.C. for the US Army at the University of Pennsylvania.  Presper Eckert created the ‘Electronic Numerical Integrated and Computer – Eniac’ (ENIAC).  A 30-ton computer the size of this room had approximately 18,000 vacuum tubes.  Iniac’s programming could be done to perform different tasks.

1951 AD: Eckert and Mauchly built the first commercial computer ‘UNIVAC’ (UNIVAC).

1969–71 AD: ‘Unix operating system’ developed at Bell Laboratory.

1971 AD: Intel developed the first commercial microprocessor ‘4004’.  The entire computer programming unit is on the microprocessor chip.

1975 AD: The first commercially successful personal computer ‘MITS Altair 8800’ was launched.  It was in kit form with no keyboards and video displays.

1976 AD: Construction of ‘Electric Pencil’, the first word programming program for personal computers.

1977 AD: Apple named ‘Apple-.  ‘, Which enabled the display of colorful text and graphics.

1981 AD: IBM launches its personal computer market using Microsoft DOS (Disk Operating System).

1984 AD: Apple launches first Macintosh market.  It was the first computer with a GUI (graphical user interface) and mouse facility.

1990 AD: Microsoft launched the first version of its graphical user interface ‘Windows 3.0’ in the market.

1991 AD: Helsinki University student Linus Torvalds invented ‘Linux’ for personal computers.

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1996 AD: Handheld computer ‘Palm Pilot’ launched.

2001 AD: Launched the system ‘Mac osx’.

2002 AD: According to computer industry research firm Gartner Data Quest, from 1975 to present, the number of manufactured computers reached 1 billion 5.

2005 AD: Apple started using Intel microprocessors in its Macintosh – computers from 2006 onwards.

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Originally posted 2020-10-27 13:45:00.

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