MP Board Class 12th Business Studies Important Questions Chapter 6 Staffing

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MP Board Class 12th Business Studies Important Questions Chapter 6 Staffing

MP Board Class 12th Business Studies Important Questions Chapter 6 Staffing

Staffing Objective Type Questions

Questions 1.
Choose the correct answer :

Question 1.
Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization is said by :

(a) Theo Haimann
(b) Koontz O’ Donnell
(c) George R Terry
(d) Edwin B Fillipo.
(a) Theo Haimann

Question 2.
Various sources of recruitment:

(a) Advertisement
(b) Employment office
(c) Reference
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above

Question 3.
Aim/objective of interview :
(a) Utility of candidate
(b) To give complete information to candidate about post and organization
(c) Happiness of candidate
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

Question 4.
Employment office is a source of recruitment:
(a) Internal
(b) External
(c) (a) and (b) Both
(d) None of these.
(b) External

Question 5.
Best option of selection is choosen by :
(a) Prior analysis
(b) Based on procedure
(c) Analysis of evaluation
(d) Policy.
(c) Analysis of evaluation

Question 6.
Training emphasis on :
(a) Theoretical knowledge
(b) General knowledge
(c) All round knowledge
(d) Practical/Behavioral knowledge.
(c) All round knowledge

Question 7.
Out of the following on job training :
(a) Case study
(b) Inter ship training
(c) training development
(d) seminar and workshop
(c) training development

Question 8.
Staffing is related to :
(a) Political aspect .
(b) Economic aspect
(c) Geographical aspect
(d) Human aspect.
(d) Human aspect.

Question 9.
From the following which is a monetary motivation :
(a) Bonus
(b) Pension
(c) Earned leave
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

Question 10.
Recruitment is the process of searching :
(a) Senior employees
(b) Retired employees
(c) Future employees
(d) Special employees.
(c) Future employees

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Question 2.
Fill in the blanks :

  1. ……………. means reasonable appointment and recruitment of employees for implementations of policies.
  2. There are…………. sources of recruitment in an enterprises.
  3. Reappointment of former employees is an…………. source of recruitment.
  4. …………………. is the process in which candidates for employment are divided into two classes. Those who are to be offered employment and those who are not.
  5. The process of improving the present skills of employees for higher posts in future is called…………


  1. Staffing
  2. Two
  3. Internal
  4. Selection
  5. Development.

Question 3.
Write the answer in one word/sentence :

  1. Write any one internal sources of recruitment.
  2. Write any one external source of recruitment.
  3. What is the last stage of selection ?
  4. Name the method of training in which the training is imparted to employee by giving various jobs in the organization.
  5. Name the method of training in which training is given with the help of machines and equipment identical to those used in the place of work.
  6. What does training increases morale or work load ?
  7. What is develop among workers by training ?
  8. Where is on the job training imparted ?
  9. What is the modern source of recruitment ?
  10. Transfer is which source of recruitment ?
  11. How many method are there in training ?
  12. By which source of recruitment workers are motivated ?
  13. Write one advantage of training to workers ?
  14. What is staffing ?
  15. Write the name of one external source of recruitment.


  1. Transfer
  2. Recruitment through advertisement
  3. Placement
  4. Job rotation
  5. Vestibule training
  6. Morale
  7. Self confidence
  8. Work place
  9. Internet
  10. Internal source
  11. Two
  12. Internal source
  13. By training efficiency and capability of worker increases
  14. Staffing means reasonable appointment and recruitment of employees
  15. Employment exchange.

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Question 4.
Write true or false :

  1. By training knowledge, efficiency and capacity of workers increases.
  2. Recruitment is the part of human resource.
  3. Recruitment develops the feeling of owners among the workers.
  4. Recruitment and selection of workers is same.
  5. Expenditure done on recruitment is waste of money.
  6. There is no difference between training and development.
  7. Internship training provides both theoretical and practical training of work.


  1. True
  2. True
  3. True
  4. False
  5. False
  6. False
  7. True

Question 5.
Match the coloums:

MP Board Class 12th Business Studies Important Questions Chapter 6 Staffing


  1. (b)
  2. (c)
  3. (a)
  4. (e)
  5. (d)
  6. (f)

Staffing Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is training ?

Training is the workshop of gaining more and high knowledge. Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job.

Question 2.
What do you mean by ’transfer’ as a form of internal sources ?

Transfer involves the shifting of an employee from one job to another. At the time of transfer, it is ensured that the employee to be transferred to the new job is capable of performing the jobs. When transfer is done at the same post then there is not much difference in salary and facility.

Question 3.
What do you mean by orientation in the process of staffing ?

Orientation means to acquaint the employees with their work and organization. In order to work as a term new employees are introduced to their subordinates and seniors. The employee is acquainted with the policies, aims and objectives of the organization.

Question 4.
What do you mean by ’Placement’ as a step of staffing ?

After the selection of the candidates for the post ‘Placement’ takes place. As per the terms and conditions and date of joining mentioned in the appointment letter the candidate has to join the duty. From the very date of his joining, he is treated as an employee of that office.

Question 5.
What is campus recruitment ? 

A business organization may liaise with universities, colleges, vocation or management institutions to recruit newly qualifies students for technical profession or managerial position. Campus recruitment is a well established practice followed by business to appoint fresh talent in the organization.

Question 6.
What are the three important aspects of staffing.

The important aspects of staffing are :

  1. Recruitment
  2. Selection
  3. Training

Question 7.
What do you mean by apprenticeship training ?

This is one of the oldest method of training. The main purpose of this training is to make the employees well versed in a specific art or technique. This method is used in those cases where long-term training is required to attain proficiency to perform a particular task. In this training stipend is paid to the candidates.

Question 8.
Out of the two, recruitment and selection which process positive and why ?

Recruitment is positive process because large number of candidates are invited and motivated to apply for a post.

Question 9.
Why is selection called negative process ?

Selection is a negative process because in this process qualifiers are lesser as compared to rejected.

Question 10.
State the difference between work load analysis and work force analysis.

Work load analysis assesses the number and type of human resources required to perform jobs in the organization. Work force analysis estimates the number and type of human resources available in the organization.

Question 11.
Internal recruitment is better than external recruitment in many ways. Explain one reason.

External recruitment demands expense for advertisement and conduction of examination where we can eliminate these expenses in internal recruitment.

Question 12.
Which source of recruitment motivates the employees ?

Internal source of recruitment encourages and motivates the employees as it provides an opportunity to reach to higher posts.

Question 13.
What is meaning of Training ? How is it different from education ?

Meaning of Training: Training is a systematic programme to increase the knowledge, skills, abilities and aptitudes of workers to perform specific jobs. The purpose of training is to achieve a change in the behaviour of those trained and to enable them to do their jobs in a better way.

Definitions: According to Jucius, “The term training is used here to indicate only process by which the aptitudes, skills and abilities of employees, to perform specific jobs are increased.”


  1. This enhances the ability and skill of the employee
  2. The teacher new skills and process


  1. This help to ingress the knowledge of employee
  2. This enable the capability to debate and analyze

Question 14.
What are the elements of a good training programme ?

Following are the elements of a good training programme :

  1. Training programme should be according to aims and objectives of organization.
  2. More attention should be paid to train the weak employees.
  3. Training programme should go on continuously.
  4. Training programme should be flexible.
  5. Training programme should be given by a specific person.

Question 15.
What is Orientation / Induction ?

Orientation / Induction is a method of trainning to familarize the new employee with the surroundings of the organization, provide information about the organization, its rules and regulations.

Question 16.
What do you mean by recruitment ? How many sources of recruitment are there ?

Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in organization.

There are two sources of recruitment:

Internal source: An internal source of recruitment means inviting applications from personnel working within the organization.
External source : An external source of recruitment means filling all the vacancies created in the organization which are not filled by internal sources. To fill the vacant positions the business organization may have to rely on external source.

Question 17.
On the job training methods and off the job training methods. Explain.

On the job training method : Under this the employees are trained while they are actually performing the job assigned to them. They learn in real work environment and gain practical experience.
Off the job training method : Under this method employees are trained in specially designed training locations which are away from work.

Question 18.
In which source of recruitment employee becomes inactive ?

In internal source of recruitment employee becomes inactive because they know that they are going to be promoted to higher posts after a certain period of time.

Question 19.
When is transfer technique important ?

Transfer technique means shifting an existing employee within the organization from one job to another, one shift to another or from one department to another. It helps to maintain optimal staff in the organization and trains employee for different types of jobs. It is the horizontal movement of staff.

Question 20.
Write any three characteristics of recruitment.


  1. It is a process of searching employees and there are many sources of it.
  2. Recruitment is positive and it precedes selection.
  3. The number of candidates are maximum in recruitment and it is limited to the extent of calling an application.

Question 21.
What do you mean by recruitment through demotion ?

When a person is recruited at a lower post then his current status, it is known as demotion recruitment. In this an incapable person is demoted from a higher position to a lower and a capable person is promoted to the vacant positions.

Question 22.
Why there is lack of favor during recruitment through external sources ?

The recruitment through external source lacks favor for the recruitee as the management is unaware about him and has no previous details about him.

Question 23.
What is the expense on training known as ? Expenditure or investment.

The expense on training is known as investment.

Question 24.
Why are internal sources considered more economical than external sources ?

Internal sources of recruitment are the sources considered available within the organization, they are considered to be more economical for the following reasons :

  1. It saves money as it does not require any kind of formal advertising of vacant position.
  2. It saves time as it shortens the process of recruitment and selection.
  3. It does not require any kind of orientation or induction training.

Question 25.
What do you mean by interview ?

After basic screening and written tests, the selected candidate go through the formal interview process. It is the in depth conversation between interviewer and interviewee where interviewer may seek information from interviewee and the interviewee is expected to provide the same.

 Staffing Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain in short three internal sources of recruitment.


1. Promotion: Competent and experienced persons of the enterprise are promoted to higher post to fill up the vacancy.

2. Transfer: Transfer involves the shifting of an employee from one job to another. At the time of transfer it is ensured that the employee to be transferred to the new job is capable of performing the job.

3. Recommendation of existing staff: Any vacancy can be filled up by appointing the relatives or friend on the basis of recommendation of existing staff.

Question 2.
Explain any four external sources of recruitment.

External sources of recruitment are as follows :

1. Re appointment of former employees : Sometimes ex employees are reappointed in an organization. This is beneficial in two ways:

  1. Experienced personnel become available and
  2. The economy is achieved.

2. Direct recruitment in the office: This type of recruitment is done by the personnel department or selection section.

3. Recruitment through employment exchange: Public employment exchanges are also an important source of recruitment.

4. Friends and relatives of present employees: Present employee invite their friends and relatives for recruitment.

Question 3.
Explain the following method of training in brief:

  1. Vestibule training
  2. Internship training.


1. Vestibule training: Vestibule training is such type of training which is given with the help of machines and equipment identical to those used in the place of work in specially created laboratories called vestibule laboratories etc. This type of training does not effect the production.

2. Internship training : The main aim of this training is to provide both theoretical and practical type of training with the joint effort of some technical institutes and business I undertakings this type of training is provided to the students to learn theoretical as well as practical aspects of job. For e.g.: In medical colleges medical students are given theoretical knowledge and in hospitals they are provided practical knowledge due to which students get I the practical training of theoretical knowledge.

Question 4.
Why is selection called the Negative process ?

Selection is a Negative process because in this process the number of candidates | who are suitable for the jobs are less than the rejected people.

Question 5.
Why is internal source of recruitment more reliable ?

Internal source of recruitment is more reliable than external source because the organisation already have full knowledge about the workers. The workers also have full knowledge about the system and working of organisation.

Question 6.
What is recruitment ?

Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating [ them to apply for job in the organization. The objectives of recruitment is to provide with the
organization, a large number of eligible people, from whom the most appropriate one may be selected.

Question 7.
Write short note on employment exchange.

Employment exchange is an important source for the recruitment of employees. Employment exchange registers the different persons desirous to work in different posts. Institutions may contact employment exchange for suitable employees to fulfil their vacant posts.

Question 8.
Define staffing.

Staffing may be defined as the managerial function hiring and developing the required personnel to fill in various positions in the organization.

Question 9.
What is selection ?

Selection is the process in which candidates for employment are divided into two classes. Those who are to be offered employment and those who are not.In the present day, this system has become very much popular. Through this test general intelligence of the candidate is measured so that it can be known that how intelligent the candidate and how much he is cautious.

Question 10.
What is aptitude test ?

This test is essential for knowing the aptitude towards work and to collect infor-mation about work. This type of test is according to the nature of work and post. Aptitude test is conducted to check the interest of employees towards work.

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Question 12.
What do you mean by physical verification ?

Physical verification : The complete bio-data of the candidate is called in this test. Side by side, police verification is made for the verification of a candidate’s character. Two references, may be called for the candidate for the verification of character. If the candidate has worked somewhere else, then reference may be called from the previous employers.

Question 13.
What is pre test ?

When the number of application of applicants are maximum and it is necessary to minimize the incompetent candidates by,

  1. Physical measurement,
  2. Intelligence and skill test,
    e.g., PET, PMT, Pre-PSC etc.

Question 14.
What is interest test ?

In this test candidate’s interest, hobby and habit are tested for this some questions relating to interest are given and candidates are asked to solve only 25% of questions. Candidates will solve only those 25% of questions in w hich the candidate is having interest.

Question 15.
Explain the methods of off the training in short ?

1. Case study method : This is the modem method of training. This method was developed in Harvard School of America in the year 1920-25. In this method the worker is entrusted with the problem and asked to study its various aspects and suggest the solutions. If the worker does not gives right solution then he is guided how to make right decision. This method is suitable where number of trainee is less. It is an expensive method.

2. Seminar and conference method : In this method 20-30 employees shares their views and opinions. Workers can also get solutions of the problems by asking questions. Through this method out of various alternatives the best alternative is selected various enterprises holds these type of seminars and conferences.

3. Induction training : After selection of employee if he is said to perform the work then he will feel uneasy. Thus while dividing the work, for some days he is introduced with the working environment, subordinates, objectives, seniors so that he can perform the work effectively.

Question 16.
Why are internal sources of recruitment economical ? Give three reasons.

The internal sources of recruitment are economical because :

  1. No, expenditure on advertisement and inviting on application form.
  2. There is no expenditure done on training. Even if it is there it is very nominal.
  3. Workers are aware of general rules and regulations of the organization. So no expenditure is done on it.

Question 17.
Do you say that external source of recruitment is more time consuming ?

Yes I do agree with it because in external sources application forms are invited. After getting application of candidates they are scrutinized. Some candidates are rejected. The suitable candidates are called for interviews, their medical checkup is done. All these activities take lot of time. So it is said that external sources are time consuming.

Question 18.
How is direct recruitment done in the office ?

This type of recruitment is done by the personnel department or selection section. The following process is adopted in this system :

  1. To call applications on the basis of advertisement.
  2. To conduct written examination in the case the number of applicants are maximum as if it is necessary.
  3. To take personal interview of the candidates who pass the written examination.
  4. To take different test, if it is necessary.

Question 19.
Why are employees of an enterprise transferred ?

Employees are transferred due to the following reasons :

  1. To expose the person to a variety of jobs.
  2. To avoid monotony associated with the execution of a particular job.
  3. To penalize him, sometimes transfer orders are issued as penalty for an undesirable action.
  4. A request by the employee himself, expressing his desire to work at some other work spot.

Question 20.
Explain the advantages of recruitment through internal sources.


1. Knowledge of general rules : Due to years of service, employees know the rules and policies of the organization. So, it is not necessary to give them knowledge like fresh employees. This saves time and money.

2. Minimum cost: Recruitment process requires high expenses. There expenses can be saved.

3. Reduction in training cost: Employees of the organization know well, the working methods and techniques. So, they don’t require training for general work.

4. Increase in efficiency: Employees are aware of the fact that they will get promotion in future if they perform their work sincerely and with full dedication. This improves their

Question 21.
Write in short about the various tests for selection,

Following are the tests of selection :

1. Main test: The main basis of selection is main test. This test is generally taken in the written form. In this test, the following tests are taken :

(i) Ability test: The general ability of the candidate is highlighted in this test

(ii) Trade-test: This test is very important because through this test it is known that whether the candidate is competent for the work or not. As test is taken for the post of Draftsman by making drawings, for the post of operator by driving machines etc.

(iii) Interest test: In this test, candidate’s interest, hobby and habit are tested. For this, some questions relating to interest are given and candidates are asked to solve only 25% of questions. Candidates will solve only those 25% of questions, in which the candidate is having interest.

(iv) Personality test : In this test, candidate’s family, social, intellectual and emotional status are measured.

(v) Intelligence test: In the present day, this system has become very much popular. Through this test general intelligence of the candidate is measured so that it can be known that how intelligent the candidate is and how much he is cautious.

(vi) Language ability : Language ability has also great importance, because for work, the knowledge of local language is very important. If a person does not know English and is appointed at Air Port, then he can not perform his duty satisfactorily.

(vii) Aptitude test: For knowing the aptitude towards work, this test is important.

Question 22.
What do you mean by training on job ? Explain its type.


On the job training : In this method of training workers learn by doing. On the job training aims at learning and earning simultaneously. Trainees work under the guidance and supervision of experts. The trainees follow the orders and instructions of experts. This method is less expensive. The trainee gets practical training more but lacks in theoretical training.

1. Apprenticeship training : This is one of the older method of training. It is still prevalent nowadays also. The main purpose of this training is to make the employees well versed in a specific art or technique. This method is used in those cases where long term training is required to attain proficiency to perform a particular task. In this method work is entrusted to each trainee according to prescribed programme and training is managed. Generally stipend is paid to the candidates. This training provides theoretical as well as practical knowledge to employees.

2. Job rotation method : In an enterprise when training is given to employee of various jobs, it is called as job rotation method. The main demerit of this method is that due to this method the employees lack specialization in one field. This type of method is very popular in banks. .

3. Training on training centres : First of all according to the necessity training centres are established in this method. These training centres are established by government or commercial enterprises. More stress is given on practical training than on theoretical training. Since training is given in training centres thus it does not effects the production.

4. Training by experienced workmen : Training by experienced workmen will be important and useful in that condition when experienced workmen requires helpers. The object of the training is to make the employee aware and believe in the ideologies of the working.

5. Training by supervisors : This type of training is provided by supervisors or experienced officers. These officers or supervisors are close to the trainee thus it helps the trainee to make communication with officers. This method helps in determining the abilities and efficiency of trainee during the work performed in training.

6. Internship training : The main aim of this training is to provide both theoretical and practical type of training with the joint effort of some technical institutes and business undertakings this type of training is provided to the students to learn theoretical as well as practical aspects of job. e.g., In medical colleges medical students are given theoretical knowledge and in hospitals they are provided practical knowledge due to which students gets the practical training of theoretical knowledge.

Question 23.
What is web publishing as external source of recruitment ?

Internet is one of the most used source of recruitment. There are various websites like,, career etc. specially designed and dedicated to
provide information about job seekers and job openings. Prospective employees and organization looking for desirable candidates may visit these websites to select the right person for the right job. The companies may have information about positions vacant on their own websites as well.

Question 24.
The functions of staffing should be done by all organizations and management efficiently.

The work of staffing should be done by all managers effectively because if the suitable and efficient candidates are not selected then there will be wastage of time, material and efforts. Due to it the production will be reduced and cost of production will be increased. The manufactures will not be able to sell the product by profit. So it is essential that capable persons should be appointed for the work and they should be provided proper training.

Question 25.
What information is given to the workers under induction orientation programme ?

Under the induction orientation programme the following information can be given :

  1. Short history of the company,
  2. Policies of the company
  3. Functional structure of the company
  4. Location of the departments
  5. Facilities provided to workers
  6. Rights and duties of the new employees
  7. Working hours
  8. Rules of leaves
  9. Rules related to discipline.

Question 26.
Distinguish between on the job and off the job training methods.

Difference between On the job training and Off the training :

On the job training

  1. By it we mean those methods which training is given on working places
  2. In it during the working period the principle of learning through work is adopted
  3. On the job training aims at learning and earning simultaneously
  4. Trainees work under the guidance and supervision of experts during the work

Off the job training

  1. By it we mean those methods by which training is given out side the working place
  2. In it principles of learning are adopted before doing work
  3. Off the job training aims at learning and earning separately
  4. Employees work under the guidance of experts but they are already trained before the job.

Question 27.
Write the import acceptance of stalling.


  1. It helps in .achieving targets
  2. It reduces the cost of production
  3. It helps in job satisfaction
  4. It promotes individual growth
  5. It helps in obtaining corporate recognition
  6. Reduces labor turnover
  7. Maximum productivity.

Question 28.
Explain the advantages of training to organization.

Advantages of training to organization : Training is a process which aims to incorporate or improve the attitude, skills and abilities amongst employees to perform specific jobs.
Advantages of training to the organization :

  1. Systematic learning process
  2. Enhances productivity
  3. Develops future managers
  4. Higher profits
  5. Less wastage and reduced risks of accidents
  6. Reduce absenteeism and employee turnover
  7. Helps to adapt changes in business environment.

Question 29.
What is the advantage of training to employees ?

Advantages to employees:

  1. Growth opportunities
  2. Higher income
  3. Increases efficiency and reduces risks
  4. High morale and job satisfaction
  5. Makes new employees comfortable in new environment.

Question 30.
Throw light on reappointment of former employees in recruitment process as external source.

Reappointment of former employees : Sometimes, employees are reappointed in an organization after a break in their service. Many a time, retiring personnel are also given an option to continue in the same firm, but at a lower remuneration. This proves beneficial to organization in two ways:

  1. Experienced personnel become available,
  2. Economy is achieved.

Question 31.
What do you understand by checking of reference ?

In application form the candidates have to give two names of reference. If the candidate passes the interview then organization tries to find out about the characters of the candidates. For getting the information he gives preferences to references. Organization gets information about the characters of the candidates through other people or names of people given as references.
Physical verification : The complete bio-data of the candidate is called in this test. Side by side, police verification is made for the verification of candidate’s character. Two references, may be called for the candidate for the verification of character. If the candidate has worked somewhere else, then reference may be called from the previous employers.

Question 32.
What is the role of friends and relatives in recruitment ?

Friends and relatives of present employees : Present employees invite their friends and relative for recruitment. This system is also beneficial for the organization, because recruitment of employees from acquainted persons, gives a fair chance to recruit good employees. Besides, for any error, done by the new employee, the present employee becomes responsible for such error.

Question 33.
Write the role of advertisement in recruitment.

Advertisement is an important source of recruitment. It is an effective method of searching for workers outside the organization. Through advertisement large No. of people are attracted to words organization for middle level and lower level posts advertisement is done through newspapers, televisions employment news and other magazines. In advertisement, information is given about nature of work, remuneration time of working, etc.

Staffing Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain internal and external sources of recruitment.

(a) Internal sources: Internal source of recruitment refers to recruitment from within the enterprise. There are two important internal sources :

1. Promotion : Competent and experienced persons of the enterprise are promoted to higher post on the basis of their qualifications and seniority to fill up the vacancy. This system is almost applied by all the enterprises. Some posts, where experience is important in filled up by promotion only. For e.g., the post of the Principal in school or college, the post of Vice-Chancellor in a University.

2. Transfer: Transfer involves the shifting of an employee from one job to another. At the time of transfer, it is ensured that the employee to be transferred to the new job is capable of performing the jobs. Transfers become essential due to the following reasons :

  1. To expose the person to a variety of jobs.
  2. To avoid the monotony associated with the execution of a particular job.
  3. To penalize him, sometimes transfer orders are issued as a penalty for an undesirable action.
  4. A request by the employee himself, expressing his desire to work at some other work spot.
  5. To.accommodate the excess staff at hand.

(b) External Sources: If the organization feels that the needed human resources are not available within the enterprise, it will have to depend on outside sources. The following are the external sources for recruitment:

1. Reappointment of former employees: Sometimes, ex-employees are reappointed in an organization after a break in their service. Many a time, retiring personnel are also
given an option to continue in the same firm, but at a lower remuneration. This proves beneficial to the organization in two ways :

  1. Experienced personnel become available
  2. Economy is achieved.

2. Friends and relatives of present employees: Present employees invite their friends and relatives for recruitment. This system is also beneficial for the organization, because
recruitment of employees from acquainted persons, gives a fair chance to recruit good employees. Besides, for any error, done by the hew employee, the present employee becomes responsible for such error.

3. Direct Recruitment in the office: This type of recruitment is done by the personnel department or selection section. For external appointment, information is affixed in the notice board of the office relating to vacant post, conditions, etc. Side by side, advertisement is also given in the daily newspaper, so that the best selection can be made.

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4. Recruitment through employment exchange : Public employment exchanges are also an important source of recruitment of personnel. Job seekers register their names with these exchanges and the names of these persons will be supplied to business concerns on the basis of their requisition.

5. By advertisement: This system is very popular nowadays. Advertisement is made in newspapers, journals and trade and professional periodicals stating the available job, duties and responsibilities, emoluments, qualification and experience required for the job. This is one of the popular method used by business concerns to recruit personnel from external sources.

6. By trade unions : In some areas, trade unions are very influential and they think it correct to recruit labour through them so that trade union may be much stronger. Some producers, to reduce their burdens direct trade unions for recruitment. While making recruitment ‘through this system care should be taken that incompetent and inefficient person may not get appointment and from trade union there should be no pressure for recruiting such type of personnel.

7. Through educational and vocational institutes : Today, employment bureau has been opened in colleges and universities. In this, information related to employment are given to the desired people. Similarly, some commercial organizations are also in existence which help to get employment to unemployed persons.

8. Through other undertaking: In some commercial organizations, there is a system of exchange of employees. Its object is to exchange the art and talent in each other business. This recruitment is done for one or two persons. Sometimes when the promotional prospects become nil in one company and if promotional prospects are high in other company, a recruitment from the first company is done.

9. Retired defense personnel: The defense personnel retires at the age of 35 to 45 years. These personnel show great interest to get employment elsewhere. These personnel always remain disciplined, honest and laborious. Central and State Govt, also appoint defense personnel to some post (as Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor) which needs the quality of discipline. Hence, this is also an external source.

Question 2.
Distinguish between internal and external source of recruitment.

Differences between Internal Sources and External Sources

Internal Sources

  1. Vacant posts are filled with employees available within the organization in case of internal sources.
  2. It is the most economical source because the organization does not have to spend any amount on search for sources of recruitment.
  3. There is no risk for selection in high post as the organization has full information about the employees working there.
  4. The major demerit of internal recruitment is that it stops the entry of young blood in the organization.
  5. It is fastest and time saving process.
  6. This recruitment system linders the entry of better qualified employees which hampers the sense of competition.
  7. This process of recruitment encourages other works for improving their skills.

External Sources

  1. It means inviting applications for filling up the vacancies from candidates outside the organization.
  2. It is an expensive process as it involves . advertisement and at long selection process and training.
  3. There is always a possibility of wrong selection as there is no complete information about the external candidates.
  4. It helps the young and fresh talents to enter the company or organisation.
  5. It is very lengthy and time consuming process.
  6. Through this process new employees are recruited which develops competitive sport among existing and new employees.
  7. When new employees are selected through this process a feeling of frustration and dissatisfaction develop. New organizations have to make use of the external source.

Question 3.
What advantages do employees and organization get through training

Advantages of training to organization : Training is a process which aims to incorporate or improve the attitude, skills and abilities among employees to perform specific jobs.

Advantages of training to organization :

  1. Systematic learning process
  2.  Enhances productivity
  3. Develops future managers
  4. Higher profits
  5. Less wastage and reduced risks of accidents
  6. Reduce absenteeism and employee turnover
  7. Helps to adapt changes in business environment.

Advantages to employee :

  1. Growth opportunities
  2. Higher income
  3. Increases efficiency and reduces risks
  4. High morale and job satisfaction
  5. Makes new employees comfortable in new environment.

Question 4.
Explain the source of recruitment through a chart

MP Board Class 12th Business Studies Important Questions Chapter 6 Staffing

Question 5.
Distinguish between recruitment and selection.



  1. There are many sources of recruitment.
  2. It is a process of searching employees.
  3. Recruitment is positive.
  4. Recruitment precedes selection.
  5. Recruitment word is used generally for lower level employees.
  6. The number of candidates are maxi-mum in recruitment.
  7. The ultimate object of recruitment is to search employees.
  8. Recruitment is limited to the extent of calling an application.
  9. Recruitment is a means.
  10. Recruitment is the first portion of a coin.


  1. There is a specific process of selection of employees.
  2. Selection and appointment are given for the present.
  3. It is a negative process.
  4. Appointment letter is issued after selection.
  5. Selection word is used for all levels.
  6. The number of candidates are minimum in comparison to recruitment.
  7. The ultimate object of selection is to select employees and to appoint.
  8. Selection is related with screening of applications, conducting different tests and to make final appointment for work.
  9. Selection is itself a device.
  10. Selection is the second portion of a coin.

Question 6.
What are various methods of training ?

Following are the tests of selection :

1. Main test: The main basis of selection is main test. This test is generally taken in the written form. In this test, the following tests are taken :

(i) Ability test: The general ability of the candidate is highlighted in this test.

(ii) Trade-test: This test is very important because through this test it is known that whether the candidate is competent for the work or not. As test is taken for the post of Draftsman by making drawings, for the post of operator by driving machines etc.

(iii) Interest test: In this test, candidate’s interest, hobby and habit are tested. For this, some questions relating to interest are given and candidates are asked to solve only 25% of questions. Candidates will solve only those 25% of questions, in which the candidate is having interest.

(iv) Personality test : In this test, candidate’s family, social, intellectual and emotional status are measured.

(v) Intelligence test: In the present day, this system has become very much popular. Through this test general intelligence of the candidate is measured so that it can be known that how intelligent the candidate is and how much he is cautious.

(vi) Language ability : Language ability has also great importance, because for work, the knowledge of local language is very important. If a person does not know English and is appointed at Air Port, then he can not perform his duty satisfactorily.

(vii) Aptitude test: For knowing the aptitude towards work, this test is important.

Question 7.
What do you mean by web publishing as external source of recruitment?

On the job training : In this method of training workers learn by doing. On the job training aims at learning and earning simultaneously. Trainees work under the guidance and supervision of experts. The trainees follow the orders and instructions of experts. This method is less expensive. The trainee gets practical training more but lacks in theoretical training.

1. Apprenticeship training : This is one of the older method of training. It is still prevalent nowadays also. The main purpose of this training is to make the employees well versed in a specific art or technique. This method is used in those cases where long term training is required to attain proficiency to perform a particular task. In this method work is entrusted to each trainee according to prescribed programme and training is managed. Generally stipend is paid to the candidates. This training provides theoretical as well as practical knowledge to employees.

2. Job rotation method : In an enterprise when training is given to employee of various jobs, it is called as job rotation method. The main demerit of this method is that due to this method the employees lack specialization in one field. This type of method is very popular in banks. .

3. Training on training centres : First of all according to the necessity training cen-tres are established in this method. These training centres are established by government or commercial enterprises. More stress is given on practical training than on theoretical training. Since training is given in training centres thus it does not effects the production.

4. Training by experienced workmen : Training by experienced workmen will be important and useful in that condition when experienced workmen requires helpers. The object of the training is to make the employee aware and believe in the ideologies of the working.

5. Training by supervisors : This type of training is provided by supervisors or experienced officers. These officers or supervisors are close to the trainee thus it helps the trainee to make communication with officers. This method helps in determining the abilities and efficiency of trainee during the work performed in training.

6. Internship training : The main aim of this training is to provide both theoretical and practical type of training with the joint effort of some technical institutes and business undertakings this type of training is provided to the students to learn theoretical as well as practical aspects of job. e.g., In medical colleges medical students are given theoretical knowledge and in hospitals they are provided practical knowledge due to which students gets the practical training of theoretical knowledge.

Question 8.
What are internal sources of recruitment better than external sources ? Explain by giving reasons.


Internal sources of recruitment are better than external sources because of the following reasons: ,

1. Knowledge of general rules : Due to service for many years, these employees know the rules and policies of the organization. So, it is not necessary to give them knowledge like a fresh employee. This saves time and money.

2. Morale is increased : Transparent policies help the employees in knowing as to when their promotions fall due and hence they strive hard for it. Thus, their morale increases.

3. Minimum cost: Expenses in this type of recruitment are kept to a minimum, as filling of jobs internally is cheaper as compared to getting candidate from external sources.

4. Increase in efficiency : In this system, all employees know that they will get promotion in future and side by side efficient and dedicated employee will be promoted shortly. With this hope, they work with full interest and dedication. Through this, their efficiency increases.

5. Reduction in training cost: Employees of the organization, know well the working methods and techniques of work. So, they don’t require training for general work. Training is imparted only to update them with the new technologies and working methods.

Question 9.
Differentiate between Training and Development.

Differences between Training and Development:

Question 9. Differentiate between Training and Development.

Question 10.
What is the importance of training ?

Explain the need of training.
1. Increase in productivity : The objective of training is to complete the work speedily and effectively. If a work is done speedily and effectively in an enterprise than production will increase which will bring profits to enterprise. Training boosts the morale of employees which increases the efficiency of employees’. This increases the production and productivity of enterprise.

2. Lesser accidents: Training provides complete knowledge about working of plants and machines to employees which increases the operational efficiency and chances of accidents are reduced.

3. Lesser supervision and direction : Supervision and direction is required for the effective completion of work. But after getting training employees have the knowledge about their work and equipment so lesser supervision and direction is needed.

4. Proper use of machines and equipment: Trained employees uses machines and equipment properly and minimizes wastage. A trained employee has the knowledge of operating machines and equipment methodically.

5. Boosts the morale of employees : Training provides self confidence and develops creativity of employees. Training helps in boosting the morale of employees which creates interest towards job.

6. Reduction in supervision cost: Trained employees become more disciplined and take more interest in their job. Employees do not require supervision and direction which reduces the supervision cost.

7. Quality goods : Training provides knowledge about use of machines and equipment which enables the employees to handle machinery and equipment in a better way by minimizing wastage. This helps in production of high quality goods at minimum cost.

8. Better chances of promotion : Trained employees can be promoted to higher posts or grades easily as compared to untrained employees since they have requisite qualification and training.

9. Adaptibility : Training makes the employees keen to Team new things. The trained employees can easily adapt to modem methods, techniques, etc. since training stimulates mental development of employees.

10. Helpful for new employees : Training is necessary for new employees because there is a lot of differences between theoretical and practical knowledge. Training provides practical knowledge to employees about work.

11. Helpful in facing competition: Through training the information about new methods is given and it also provides the knowledge about increasing the production in less time. Thin helps in reducing the cost of production which help in facing competition.

12. Industrial peace : After training each employee is indulged in the activities (Commercial) of enterprise which helps in maintaining industrial peace in enterprise. Training helps in establishing and maintaining harmonious industrial relation.
Above points make it clear that training has advantages both for the enterprise and the employees. Without training the entrepreneurs cannot reach the peak of success.

Question 11.
Write procedure of selection in short.

Discuss the process of selection.
“Selection is the process in which candidates for employment are divided into two classes. Those who are to be offered employment and those who are not.”
Selection involves choosing personnel to fill specific jobs in the organization on the basis of educational qualifications, training, skill, abilities and personality of the persons available for the jobs.
Selection process

1. Pretest: When the number of application of applicants are maximum and it is necessary to minimize the incompetent candidates by

  1. Physical measurement
  2. Intelligence and skill test, etc.

2. Blank application form : After pretest form a blank application is sent to those candidates who have qualified in the pretest. This form is prepared in a most scientific and technical manner. Mainly three types of informations are demanded :

  1. Personal informations
  2. Psychological informations
  3. Working competency information.

3. Main test: This test is generally taken in the written form. In this test the following tests are taken:

  1. Ability test
  2. Trade test
  3. Interest test
  4. Personality test
  5. Intelligence test
  6. Language ability
  7. Aptitude test.

4. Interview : No appointment is possible without interview. Interview is the best and most popular method. Interview has a great importance for the post of upper level. In this method, the team of selection and candidate, sit together and discuss with each other. The candidate is evaluated through this discussion.

5. Physical verification : The complete bio data of the candidate is called in this test. Side by side, police verification is made for the verification of candidate’s character. Two references may be called for the candidate for the verification. If the candidate is having any serious disease then his name is cancelled from the selection list.

6. Physical test : Physical test is done of those candidates, who have been finally selected. This is done about the general health of the candidate. Side by side, it is known whether the candidate is having any serious diseases as T.B., AIDS, etc. or not. If the candidate is having any serious disease, then his name is cancelled from the selection list.

Question 12.
Explain any five principles of selection.

The principles of selection are :

1. Selection through competent persons: While selecting employees the selector must be a competent person so that an efficient employee can be selected.

2. Fixed standards: Standards should be fixed for selecting employees so that efficient employees can be selected.

3. Impartial : Selection should be fair and impartial. Selector should be far from pride and prejudice.

4. Flexibility : Selection process must be flexible in nature. According to needs of the enterprise and situation necessary changes can be made in selection process.

5. Rules and Laws : Selection process must be according to the rules of enterprise and laws of country.

Question 13.
Explain the methods of recruitment

Following are the methods of recruitment:

1. employment of former employees : Employees who have already worked in the organization and have retired or have left the services for some reason posses sufficient experience and skill. Therefore, such employees are re-employed. The governments are also availing the services of retired employees by offering them re-employment. The expenditure for training of such employees is comparatively lesser because they are reliable and possess vast experience. They are especially useful for some technical posts. Often, such posts are filled for vacancies in higher grades.

See also  MP Board Class 12th Business Studies Important Questions Chapter 13 Entrepreneurship Development

2. Friends and relatives of present employees : The organization has full confidence in the employees and, therefore, through these employees their friends and relatives who are reliable and competent are employed, the present employees stand guarantee to new employees so recruited. Although the organization gets an opportunity to secure most suitable candidates because they are known to the present employees, sometime favoritism creeps in and incompetent candidate is selected.

3. Direct recruitment in the office : Such recruitment is often done by the Personnel or Services Department of the enterprise. A notice is displayed on the office notice board for such recruitment specifying the number of vacancies and terms and conditions of recruitment. Such notice is published in the daily newspapers also.

4. Recruitment through employment exchange : The employment exchanges are an important source of recruitment. They are established in every district place. They possess list of unemployed candidates with their address, qualification etc. Enterprise or the employers call for applications from such employment exchanges are make direct recruitment.

5. Recruitment through advertisement: Nowadays recruitment through advertisement is very popular and adopted by majority of enterprise. Transparency can be maintained through such recruitment. Organization where technically qualified candidates are needed, recruitment through advertisement is considered to be a better option. Today, recruitment in government or non-government organization through advertisement is considered as the best source. By advertising in newspapers, applications from suitable candidates can be procured in a large number.

6. Recruitment by trade unions : The trade unions also play an important role in recruitment. The recognized trade unions maintained a list of unemployed candidates and they arrange for suitable candidates at the time of recruitment. Reliable candidates may be available by recruitment through trade unions. The trade unions should, on their part, be careful and ensure that no incompetent candidate is recommended by them.

Question 14.
Describe the internal sources of recruitment. What are the advantages of it?

Internal sources of recruitment refers to recruitment from within the enterprise. There are two important internal sources :

1. Promotion : Competent and experienced persons of the enterprises are promoted to higher post on the basis of their qualification and seniority to fill up the vacancy. This system is almost applied by all the enterprise. Some posts where experience is important filling up by promotion only. For e.g. the post of principal in school or college, the post of Vice Chancellor in university.

2. Transfer : It involves the sifting of an employee from one job to another. At the time of transfer it is ensured that the employee to be transferred to the new job is capable of performing the jobs. Transfer becomes essential due to following reasons :

  1. To expose the person to variety of jobs.
  2. To avoid monotony associated with the execution of a particular job.
  3. To penalize employees.
  4. A request by employee himself, expressing his desire to work at some other work spot.
  5. To accommodate the excess staff at hand.

Advantages: This source of recruitment has certain merits. They are :

1. Knowledge of general rules: Due to service for many years, these employees know the rules and policies of the organization. So, it is not necessary to give them knowledge like a fresh employee. This saves time and money.

2. Morale is increased : Transparent policies help the employees in knowing as to when their promotions fall due and hence they strive hard for it. Thus, their morale increases.

3. Minimum cost : Expenses in this type of recruitment are kept to a minimum, as filling of jobs internally is cheaper as compared to getting candidate from external sources.

4. Increase in efficiency : In this system, all employees know that they will get promotion in future and side by side efficient and dedicated employee will be promoted shortly. With this hope, they work with full interest and dedication. Through this, their efficiency increases.

5. Reduction in training cost: Employees of the organization, know well the working methods and techniques of work. So, they don’t require training for general work. Training is imparted only to update them with the new technologies and working methods.

Question 15.
What is meaning of Training ? What are its chief characteristics ?

Meaning of Training : Training is a systematic programme to increase the knowledge, skills, abilities and aptitudes of workers to perform specific jobs. The purpose of training is to achieve a change in the behaviour of those trained and to enable them to do their jobs in a better way. Training is the act of improving or updating the knowledge and skill of an employee for performing a particular job. It is a two-way process because there must be someone to learn and someone to teach. The purpose of training is to mould the behaviour of people so that they can do their jobs in a better way.

Definitions :

1. According to Jucius, “The term training is used here to indicate only process by which the aptitudes, skills and abilities of employees , to perform specific jobs, are increased.”

2. According to Dale, S. Beach, “Training is the organized procedure in which people team knowledge and/or skill for definite purpose.”

3. According to Flippo, “Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job.”
Characteristics of Training : On the basis of meaning and definitions of training, following are the characteristics :

  1. Training is a countinu us process of development of employees.
  2. Training is necessary for all the managerial levels.
  3. Training is essential for both the old and new employees.
  4. Training increases the efficiency of employees.
  5. Training and education are different.
  6. Training is that expenses incurred on it constitute investment and not wastage.
  7. It helps in achieving the objectives of organization.
  8. Training provides self satisfaction to employees.
  9. All round development of employees is possible through training.

Question 16.
Write the objectives of training.


Objectives of training :

1. To make labour force useful: Training familiarises the employee with the object of the organization and work, he has to perform. Workers leam to operate equipments efficiently and increase their utility in the organization.

2. Increasing the efficiency of employees : Workers are acquainted with the real situations of works, its tools, equipments and environment. They have to work pracitically.

3. Familiarity with the working condition : Workers leam to work properly in the real situations of work. Labour force employed in the factory belongs to different parts of the country. They are unfamiliar with each other.

4. To increase in productivity : The objective of training is to complete the work speedily and effectively. If a work is done speedily and effectively in an enterprise than production will increase which will bring profits to enterprise. Training boosts the morale of employees which increase the efficiency of employees. This increases the production and productivity of enterprise.

5. Boosts the morale of employees : Training provides self confidence and develops creativity of employees. Training helps in boosting the morale of employees which creates interest to-words job.

Question 17.
Write the steps of staffing or process of staffing.


1. Manpower planning: The first step of staffing process is to estimate manpower requirements. It is ensured that able employees are available in an organization to be placed in right position at the correct time. Manpower planning includes determining the employees to be required in future, which type of qualities are required in employees etc.

2. Recruitment: Edwin B. Fillipo said, explaining the recruitment of labours, “Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.” The need for employees is perennial in organization. Dale S. Beael has defined recruitment in this way, “Recruitment is the development and maintenance of adequate manpower resources. It involves the creation of a pool of available labour from where the organization can draw when it needs additional employees.” In a big organization, a separate branch or personnel department assesses the manpower requirements and recruits them. This department is also called Recruitment Section. It is the second step in the process of staffing.

3. Selection : Selection is the third important step of staffing. Selection involves choosing personnel to fill specific jobs in the organization on the basis of educational qualifications, training, skill, abilities and personality of the persons available for the jobs. The selection process involves screening and testing of candidates who have applied for the jobs in the enterprises. Selection is necessary because some of the candidates who have applied may not be suitable for the jobs in the enterprise. Further, the number of candidates who are suitable for the jobs may be more than the vacant jobs to be filled.Dale Yoder has defined the word ‘selection’ in this way, “Selection is the process in which candidates for employment are divided into two classes : those who are to be offered employment and those who are not.”

4. Placement and Orientation : As per the terms and conditions and date of joining mentioned in the appointment letter, the candidate has to join the duty. From the very date of his joining, he is treated as an employee of that office. This newly appointed employee works with the senior employee. So that he may be well acquainted with the working methods.
Orientation means to acquaint the employees with their work and organization. In order to work as a team new employees are introduced to their subordinates and seniors.

5. Training and Development: In order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of employees training and development facilities are imparted to the employees. Training benefits both the organization and employees. For different categories of employees suitable method of training should be adopted.

6. Determination of remuneration: The remuneration of selected employees should be determined according to the work performed by them. Remuneration may be paid in the form of wages, salaries, fees, allowances, etc.

7. Performance appraisal: The standards are established by the organization. The performance of employees are compared with the standards set. On the basis of their performance. The wages of employees are determined. Thus performance appraisal is an important activity in staffing process.

8. Promotion and Transfer : Competent and experienced persons of the enterprise are promoted to higher posts and shifting of an employee from one job to another are also
the major steps of staffing process.If the employees do not work according to standards set, they are also demoted from their job. Thus in process of staffing promotion, demotion, transfer, retirement, etc. are also included.

Question 18.
Write the characteristics of staffing.

Characteristics :

1. Human nature: Staffing is the work done by man for man. In an enterprise though a certain work may be done by livestock, but staffing involves only recruitment, promotion and development of human being. Thus, staffing is concerned with human nature only.

2. Managerial function : Staffing is exclusively a managerial function. It is also called human resource management. In large organization, there is a separate personnel department for staffing which performs the functions from recruitment to development of personnel. Thus staffing is exclusively a managerial function.

3. Continuous activity : Staffing is a continuous activity. This involves continuous recruitment, placement, promotion, transfer, development etc.

4. A process : Staffing is a process in itself. It is concerned with organization structure and its various plans and policies.

5. Social nature : Staffing is exclusively the function of the society for the society. Management is in itself a social function therefore staffing exists within the society.

6. Recruitment at all levels : Staffing is done at all level stop management, middle management and lower level management. Through the method of recruitment may differ, but this is done at all levels of management.

7. Recruitment at present and future vacancies: With fulfilling the present vacancies, the vacancies likely to arise in future are also determined and the work relating to future vacancies is also completed in advance so that the vacancies may be filled as and when needed.

8. Staffing in broader sense : Staffing involves recruitment, promotion, demotion, retirement, transfer, training development, evaluation. Hence staffing has a broader meaning.

9. Complicated : Staffing work is very complicated because in this we have to face with people, personal pressure and tradition.

10. Policy fixation : In staffing apart from selection of employees policies related with their promotion, transfer, retirement, compensation etc is also framed.

Question 19.
Distinguish between education and training.

Generally it is assumed that education and training are same but there are some differences between education and training. They are as follows :

  1. Education is imparted according to a specific syllabus while in training the technique of performing work is important.
  2. Education is a long term plan which is imparted every year while training is for short period.
  3. In education there is a relationship between teacher and student which is a symbol of respect between both of them while in training between experts and trainee and both of them have formal relationship.
  4. Education is related to general knowledge while training is related to knowledge of specific work.
  5. Education is related with overall development of persons while training is related with the knowledge of specific area for persons.
  6. Scope of education is wide while scope of training is narrow.
  7. Education is related with school, colleges etc. which training is related with training centres.
  8. Cost of education is borne by the person himself or the government while cost of training is borne by employer. 
  9. Education is a symbol of increase in knowledge while training is a symbol of performing work artistically.

Question 20.
Write the principles of recruitment or policy of recruitment.

Following are the principles of recruitment:

1. Recruitment work is a managerial prerogative : Every function relating to recruitment should be done by the top management, so that no conflict arises in the process of recruitment.

2. Information of vacant post from different departments: Top management should call for the information of vacant posts from different departments from time to time, so that recruitment may be done in accordance with the information.

3. Separate department for recruitment : Recruitment is very important. So, for this, experienced and efficient recruitment personnel should be appointed and a separate department or branch should be opened, which may be defined as a personnel department or recruitment branch.

4. Approval of new posts : If work increases and the need for additional posts is felt, then approval for creation of new posts should be obtained from the employers, as due to the creation of additional posts, economic burden increases.

5. Recruitment work by a competent officer : Employees are the backbone of any business. So, their selection should be made after deep thinking and by a competent officer. Recruitment experts from outside may be invited in case of need.

6. Recruitment as per work: Before recruitment, the nature and kind of work should be kept in mind and recruitment should be done accordingly and a competent and efficient person should be selected. For example, if any work is to be done by hand, then a selection of person, maimed by hand will be void.

7. Without partiality: Recruitment should always be impartial. Discrimination should not be present in the recruitment process.

8. Weight age to qualification : In recruitment, qualification should be taken into mind at first. In qualification, along with educational qualifications, sports, work experience etc.should be given weight age.

9. Suggestions from different sources : It is not wrong to call suggestions from competent and acquainted persons for recruitment and subsequently, selection can be made from these recruiters.

10. Different tests : Different tests such as physical test, intelligence test, work test, nature test etc. should be conducted before recruitment to facilitate selection.

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