My Favourite Game Essay for students in English

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My Favourite Game Essay for students in English

My Favourite Game Essay

Sport is a part of my life. I have been a good player since childhood. I take part in all outdoor games. Everyone has their own preference. Some like hockey, others like football, while many others consider cricket as their best sport. The sport that I like the most is football. I have my own reasons for liking this game.

Now, you may ask me why I prefer football more than any other sport. It can be explained easily. The main purpose of all sports is to give us some exercise. This is one reason why football is my favorite sport. It helps our body to grow. It inculcates in us the spirit of discipline and the habit of endurance. A good football player is sure to be successful in any walk of life. He can make a great soldier to defend his country. He may be a clever politician to run the government. If he is dedicated to his game then he can remain a good player. He can be anything because his endurance and sense of discipline has taught him to be himself and be independent of his mind.

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However, isn’t there any other sport that gives tough exercise? Certainly none other than hockey takes many risks for the life of a hockey player. It also makes the player quarrelsome. He uses the stick as his weapon. On the other hand, in football there is no such risk. One can keep playing without hitting anyone seriously.

Another reason I like it is that it is very affordable. It does not require elaborate and expensive equipment. A ball and a well leveled ground are all that is needed to start the game and then it’s easy to pick up the rules. We don’t need any special coach because it is so easily learned by boys that they start playing it at a very young age, long before they are ready to play hockey or cricket. It would not be an exaggeration to say that football is a sport that a person learns at an early stage of his life.

Like hockey or cricket, football is played by two teams of eleven boys. A team consists of five forwards, three half backs, two full backs and one goalkeeper. The player kicks the ball with his feet and he can certainly touch it with any part other than his hands. Although the goalkeeper can also use his hands. As a player may be tempted to push off an opponent or go for the head of the ball near the opposite goal, the push and stop is considered a foul play. The penalty for a foul is a risk by a player on the opposing team. The fewer fouls you commit, the higher your chances of winning the game easily.

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The game of football gives us good exercise. We have to be alert and alert. It encourages team spirit. It gives very good exercise to all the parts of our body, it always keeps us fit. No wonder, then, that I have a particular preference for my favorite sport, football.

Final Words

तो दोस्तों आपको हमारी पोस्ट कैसी लगी! शेयरिंग बटन पोस्ट के नीचे इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ शेयर करना न भूलें। इसके अलावा अगर बीच में कोई परेशानी हो तो कमेंट बॉक्स में पूछने में संकोच न करें। आपकी सहायता कर हमें खुशी होगी। हम इससे जुड़े और भी पोस्ट लिखते रहेंगे। तो अपने मोबाइल या कंप्यूटर पर हमारे ब्लॉग “various info: Education and Tech” को बुकमार्क (Ctrl + D) करना न भूलें और अपने ईमेल में सभी पोस्ट प्राप्त करने के लिए हमें अभी सब्सक्राइब करें। 

अगर आपको यह पोस्ट अच्छी लगी हो तो इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ शेयर करना ना भूलें। आप इसे व्हाट्सएप, फेसबुक या ट्विटर जैसी सोशल नेटवर्किंग साइटों पर साझा करके अधिक लोगों तक पहुंचने में हमारी सहायता कर सकते हैं। शुक्रिया!

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