What are the components of food? Know the diseases caused by deficiency of mineral substances.

Food components : In this article, we have told about the foods that we eat, we have also told about the different cuisines eaten in different parts of India. One type of food may contain chapatti, lentils and brinjal, while the other may contain rice, sambar and bhadi. Apart from this, other food may contain appam, fish and vegetables. Let’s know more. …..(हिंदी में पढ़े)

What are the components of food? Know the diseases caused by deficiency of mineral substances.

Generally, our diet consists of at least one food dish. Other food items may include lentils or any meat dish and vegetable. It may also include yogurt, whey and pickles.

Sometimes we are unable to take virtually all these dishes in our food. If we are traveling then we eat only what is available on the way. It is not possible for some of us to be able to eat such diverse dishes all the time. There should be some basis for such distribution of various foods in the diet.  Does our body require different types of food for a specific purpose? Know ahead

What happens in different types of food?

We know that each dish is made of one or more types of raw materials, which we get from plants or animals. These are called raw materials. What are the ingredients of raw material?

Raw material contains some essential components for our body. We call these components nutritious. Our food contains the main nutrients – carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals – in addition to this, our food also contains the rains and water that our body needs.

What happens in different types of food?

Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins

Carbohydrated food is also known as ‘energy-giving food’. Carbohydrates mainly provide energy to our body. Fat also provides energy. The reality is that we get more energy from the same amount of fat than carbohydrates. Fats and proteins are needed for the body to grow and stay healthy.  Protein-rich food is often called ‘bodybuilding food’.


Vitamins protect our body from diseases.  Vitamins also help to keep our eyes, bones, teeth and gums healthy. There are many types of vitamins, which are known by different names.  Some of these are known as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K.

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A group of vitamins is called vitamin B-complex.  Our body requires small amounts of all types of vitamins. Vitamin A keeps our skin and eyes healthy. Vitamin C helps us in fighting many diseases. Vitamin D helps our body to use calcium for our bones and teeth.

Our body needs mineral salts in small quantities.  Every mineral salt is necessary for proper development and good health of the body. Most foods contain more than one nutrient.  Nevertheless, the amount of a certain nutrient in a raw material can be more than the amount of other nutrients.

For example: Rice has higher carbohydrate than other nutrients. On this basis, we can say that rice is a carbohydrate rich food. Apart from these nutrients, our body also needs dietary fiber and water. Ahari fibers are also known as Rukhsansh.  The amount of rickets in our food is mainly from plant products.

Main sources of illiteracy

The main sources of detritus are whole grains, pulses, potatoes. There are fresh fruits and vegetables. Rukshanas do not provide any nutrients to our body, yet it is an essential ingredient of our food and increases its volume.  Rukshansh helps our body to take out the food without digestion.

Water helps our body to absorb the nutrients present in the food. It helps in removing some waste materials like urine and sweat from the body.

Generally, the amount of water that our body needs is obtained from the things that we take in liquid form, such as water, milk and tea etc. Apart from this, water is also used in every meal we cook.

What is a balanced diet

Generally, whatever we eat throughout the day is called diet.  To maintain the growth and good health of our body, our diet should contain all the nutrients that our body needs. No nutrient is neither excessive nor less. There should be sufficient amount of rickets and water in our diet.  This type of diet is called balanced diet.

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Pulses, peanuts, soybeans, sprouted seeds (moong and gram), fermented food (eg South Indian food, idli), art mix (missi roti, theplas – made from grains and pulses) bananas, spinach, sattu, jaggery, available vegetables. And other similar food, provide many nutrients. Therefore, a person can eat a balanced diet even in small expenditure, just eating the right kind of food is not enough.  It should also be cooked properly so that its nutritional elements are not destroyed. Let us know why?

Do some nutrients get lost while cooking food

If the vegetables and fruits are washed after peeling, then it is possible that some of their vitamins are destroyed. The skin of vegetables and fruits contains many important vitamins and minerals. Repeated washing of rice and pulses can separate the vitamins and some minerals – salts present in them.

We all know that cooking enhances the taste of food and makes it easy to digest, as well as some nutritional elements may also be lost in cooking. If too much water is used in cooking and later it is thrown away, then many beneficial proteins and minerals – salts are lost. Vitamin C is easily destroyed by heat in cooking.

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Eating more fatty foods can be very harmful for us. The amount of fat in our food causes excessive obesity.

What are the deficiency diseases –

A person is getting enough food to eat, but sometimes there is a deficiency of a particular nutrient in his food. If this deficiency persists for a long period then that person may suffer from his lack. Lack of one or more nutrients can cause diseases or pathologies in our body. Diseases that are caused by lack of nutrients for a long period are called non-inflammatory diseases.

Protein deficiency diseases

If a person is not taking enough protein in his food, he may have some diseases like growth stall, creation on face, hair color, skin diseases and dysentery etc.

If both protein and carbohydrate are absent from a person’s diet for a long time, then his growth will be completely blocked. Such a person will be very lean. He will become so weak that he will be unable to even walk.

Vitamin deficiency diseases

Lack of various vitamins and mineral salts can cause various diseases or pathologies. Some of these are shown below.
Vitamin deficiency diseases
All scarcity diseases can be prevented by taking a balanced diet.

In this article, we tried to know by ourselves that despite having so much variety in the food of different regions, the distribution of nutrients in the diet is normal. This distribution ensures the presence of essential nutrients in our food.

Summary – What you learned

  1. The main nutritional elements of our food are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals – salts. Apart from these, diet also contains dietary fiber and water.
  2. Carbohydrates and inhabitation mainly provide energy to our body.
  3. Protein and mineral salts are required for the growth and maintenance of our body.
  4. Vitamins help protect our body from diseases.
  5. In a balanced diet, all the nutrients necessary for our body and adequate amount of water and water are present in proper quantity.
  6. Specific diseases or disorders can arise due to lack of one or more nutrients in our diet for a long period.
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Various Info Conclusion

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Originally posted 2021-01-23 04:42:00.

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